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Jane pov...

It doesn't take long before there is a knock on the door. Ma opens the door to let whoever is there in. Frankie sees me first and stops walking. He says "Janie?"
Korsak and Frost walk around him to see me. I say "surprise"
Korsak asks "are you home now?"
I nod and say "yeah the results show no sign of cancer and I have finished the course of treatment so they consider me in remission. I have to to tests every now and then but otherwise I'm finished at the hospital"
They all hug me and say congratulations. Ma gets everyone something to drink and there is another knock on the door and I open it to let Riley in.
She joins us sitting down on the couch. I explain to them everything about all the tests and what happens next with me.
Korsak asks "when do they think you can go back to work?"
I say "they said to see how I feel in a months time. I need to see how my strength in and requalify for the tests to make sure I am up to the standards to be back at work"
They nod and we talk about work and things that have been going on to catch up. Frost ask "Jane we never asked about you and Riley but what's the story there. It came as a surprise to us, I was going to ask but everything with you happened and I was waiting for you to get better"
Riley and I look at each other and laugh, I say "I knew this was coming, Riley and I started dating in high school. We were both sixteen and got put together on a few projects in class, we started talking and the more we spent time together the more we liked each other and one day we kissed each other which lead us to talking about our feelings and we decided to be girlfriends. We kept it a secret because we didn't want to be judged at school and didn't know how our parents would react"
Ma interrupts to ask "what do you mean you didn't know how I would react? I have always supported you Janie"
I say "I know ma but we are catholic and when I was sixteen I didn't want you to hate me"
She hugs me and says "oh Janie, you know I love you always"
I say "I know ma, I love you too"
Frankie asks "what happened between you two?"
Riley looks down and I say "Riley it's okay it was a long time ago"
She smiles and says "thanks Jane"
The others looked confused so I say "I caught Riley kissing someone else and we got in a big fight. We had just turned eighteen and had graduated high school so we broke up never planning to see each other again"
Maura asks "how are you friends now?"
Riley says "I was surprised about that too. I showed up at the precinct to see Jane and she had forgiven me as we were kids. We caught up and got drunk together and got back to being friends just before Hoyt"
It takes them some time to process everything so we sit in silence until Frankie asks "I'm confused you dated Riley and then only guys, are you into guys now?"
I shake my head and say "I'm into both guys and girls, it's just whoever I find attractive"
We continue to catch up and have friendly conversations and have dinner before I start getting tired and the others go home.

Authors note...
Sorry for the wait, it's not the best chapter but it's more of a filler. I may have more time to write now as I broke my foot and will be off work for a bit while it heals.

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