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Jane pov...

Dr. Kimpton comes in and says "morning Jane, how are you?"
I say "morning doc, I'm alright thanks"
He says "that's good, I'm here to talk about what happens next. Do you want this in private or are you alright with your friend being in here?"
I say "she can stay, this is Dr. Maura Isles she's my best friend"
He nods and says "alright then Jane, you will be moved room so you are put in the oncology ward. I will remain as one of your doctors but you will also get other. Your surgery is in the process of being booked, it is called a craniotomy where a piece of your skull will be removed for them to be able to cut out the tumour. We will give you chemo and radiation treatments to help stop the growth and kill what is left of the tumour."
I nod and Maura asks "will the tumour come back?"
He says "it depends on how Jane responds to the treatments, there is a chance it will come back. We will be doing frequent MRI scans to check and monitor the brain and see any tumours if they grow"
We ask a few more questions to make sure we understand everything. It's a lot to process and I have some time before the surgery and other treatments starts. Once we have all the information I am checked over before we say thank you and goodbye to Dr. Kimpton who will be back later.

The best way for me to deal with this is take it one step at a time. The next hurdle for me will telling my family, which includes Ma, Frankie, Tommy, Frost and Korsak. I will tell them all at once and after them I will have to tell Riley. I know she is confused with everything that is going on.

I had invited my family over already, I had sent them my new room number so they know where to find me. There is a knock on the door and in walks everyone. We say hello and they all give me a hug before standing around me. I look at Maura and she nods, she stands up so that Ma can sit down. Tommy is first to say something, he asks "why have you moved rooms?"
I say "this is my permanent room, I will be here for probably a few months at the least"
Korsak ask "are your feet that bad?"
I shake my head and say "no, the doctors are happy with my feet. They found something in the tests, I have a cancerous tumour in my brain"
I can see the shock and worry in their faces. I explain everything that I have been told and Maura helps with adding information that I missed. They all make sure I am okay and know that they are here to support me with anything.

We talk about anything that comes to mind like tv, baseball, food, work and whatever else they think off. There are times where no one is talking and we sit there just being together. We know that everything is changing and it will be different but we will stick together. Ma left at one point to go and get us all some lunch so that we could all eat together and talk some more.
It's almost dinner time and they have all spent the whole day here so I tell them it's fine for them to go home, they have spent all day here and they have to go to work tomorrow.

Authors note...
I hope you are enjoying this, I didn't get as much writing done as I thought I would. I have most of this book planned out.
How is everyone?
I am two days away from finding out if the lockdown in my country will be reduced, not sure on what happens then as most things will still be shut.

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