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Jane pov...

I get ready for work and head to the station. Today will be a test for me as I have to act normal after the news I got yesterday. I don't want the others to know so I have to make it seem like everything is fine, I know they will ask if I am all clear and I will lie to them but I'm doing it to protect them. I don't want them to have to live with the knowledge that I am dying as they will worry about me all the time where this way we can enjoy the time together with everything being normal.

I get to work and get a coffee from the cafe before heading to my desk. I say morning to Korsak and Frost. Frost goes over the current case that they got yesterday and where they are up to. 33 year old female Rosa Maddison was found dead in her apartment. She was killed by rat poison being mixed in with her drink. The husband has an alibi for being in a meeting at the time of death. Currently looking into friends and co-workers.

Once Frost has finished talking I read through the case file which has the autopsy report, lab results and and notes he have Korsak have gotten. I start helping to look into other people who knew Rosa and anyone who might have a reason to kill her. Frost is checking her financials and phone records to see if there is anything. I go through her calendar and see she had been having an appointment every two weeks for the past six months that says PT/home, only her last appointment was three weeks ago. I tell Frost and he starts to look into those dates to see if we can tell what she was doing.

Frost comes up with payments to a gym, he finds out that the payments are for training sessions. The PT/home means personal trainer at home. She had been getting a trainer from the gym to do private workouts with her. Frost and Frankie head to the gym to go find the trainer. I stay behind to look and see what else I can find on the trainer.

I find that the trainer had complaints from some of his clients because he was being too friendly. Our victim was one who complained.
Frost and Frankie come back with the suspect and take him to interrogation. Frankie gets a call from Ma about needing to see him so I take over and join Frost in the interrogation room.
We go over what we have found and ask him about Rosa. We get him to confess he had fallen in love with Rosa and thought there was something between them, when Rosa cancelled the training sessions and filed the complaint he decided that if he couldn't get Rosa no one could. He brought coffee and donuts and put the poison the the coffee and gave it to Rosa, she took it as an apology and he left her to die.

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