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Jane pov...

It's been a year since the Hoyt incident and I'm feeling good. Today is the day I start back at work. I'm on desk duty mostly but can still help with interviews and go down to the morgue.

It's a strange feeling getting ready. I get dressed in my work clothes and deal with my hair, I'm still not used to my hair as it is so short now after it failing out during the chemo treatments but it's slowly getting there. Once I'm done getting ready I meet up with Maura at Boston Joe's before we head into work together. I say hi to Ma in the cafe before heading to my desk. As I get out of the elevator everyone there stops and claps for me before going back to work. It's a nice welcome back to the job.

I head over to my desk where Korsak, Frost and Frankie are ready to welcome me back. I sit down and sort out some of the things in my desk while the others talk to me and catch me up on their current case. It's not long before Cavanaugh calls me into his office.

I go over to his office and we sit down. He asks "how are you Jane?"
I say "I'm good sir, feeling better and almost back to normal. I was at hospital last week getting and MRI and other tests done, no sign of tumour or cancer I'm healthy"
He nods and say "I'm glad your better and back at work"
I say "thank you"
He says "we have talked about your transition back into work, see how you go. If it's too much let us know or if things are going well after a week or two and we can consider some field work for you"
I nod and we talk about a few things before I can go and go back to my desk.

Korsak asks "is everything okay with Cavanaugh?"
I nod and say "he was welcoming me back and going over the process he set up for me coming back"
He nods and says "okay, that's good"

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