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Jane pov...

As my nightmares have started again I knew I needed help. I am about to start my first visit to a therapist as after everything that has happened it makes sense to talk to someone.

Dr Burke asks "why are you here today Jane?"
I say "a lot has happened lately, I have been abducted and tortured which lead to me having to broken feet and nerve damage, in the hosital I found out I had a canerous brain tumor and had it removed then needed chemo and radiation to get rid of the cancer. They say I'm cancer free but there is a high chance of it coming back."
She says "that is a lot to go through in a year"
I nod and say "yeah"
She says "lets start at the beginning who was it that abducted you"
I say "a serial killer named Charles Hoyt who was obsessed with me"
She nods, I watch her write something down in her book before she asks "what happened with him"
I explain "he was one of my first cases as a rookie homicide dectective when I followed a lead to find him which ended with me pinned to the ground with scalpels in my hands before my partner found me. Hoyt came after me a few more times with both of us getting injured along the way. A new case came along and where I was taken by Hoyt who this time pinned my feet with scalpel. I managed to take them out and kill him but passed out from the pain not long after"
She nods and asks "how was the recovery from your injuries?"
I say "my hands took awhile and I got full movement back with a little pain or discomfort in them every now and then. My legs were one of the most painful things ever, I had to learn how to move my foot and then slowly add weight to them. It took so much effort to be able to walk and then needed physiotherapy to help get normal movement in it. It was made harder by the fact that I was in hospital getting treatment for the cancer while my legs were healing"
We pause for a few minutes while I have a drink of water and get in a more comfortable position on the chair. Dr Burke writes more in her book and waits for me to be ready to talk more.

I talk to her about the cancer treatments and how I was going through that time. I was weak and tired, struggling with doing anything and when I felt well didn't have any motivation to do anything. I was glad I had my family and friends there to support me and to keep me company.

She asks "how does it feel to be home?"
I say "it's strange, I don't feel like myself as I am still getting my strength back and slowly starting to work out for when I go back to work"
She asks "are you going to go back to the same job?"
I nod and say "I never thought of anything else, I just hope I can do it the same way I used to"
She smiles and asks "that's good, how do you feel about the cancer now?"
I say "I'm scared it will come back, I will be getting tests to monitor it but I'm nervous for them to think I could have to go through treatments all over again. I can't imagine what it's like for people who have to fight for years, I had low amounts because they removed the tumour so they could treat it easier"

We talk about all the feelings and some ways to deal with what I am feeling and the nightmares. Her top recommendations is exercise, meditation, talking and writing thoughts or feelings in a diary. I thank her for the session and book in for the next session before leaving.

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