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Jane pov...

As I slowly start to regain consciousness I feel the thumping in my head and realise I can't move my hands or feet. Once I can see clearly I see the handcuffs and some of my clothes have been removed I have been left in just my underwear.
I look around the room and realise that is lis the same as my bedroom so either they copied it perfectly or I am in my own house. There is no one in the room but there would probably be a camera or they are close by.

I'm lying there unable to move, my head feels like it's spinning but I try to analyse the room. It looks the exact same as my room and I can't see anywhere that a camera could be. It's kind of smart of Hoyt really to use my own house to hold me. They would be looking anywhere that Hoyt or the apprentice has connections to or has been and not my own home.

After a while the door opens and Hoyt walks in by himself. He says "don't worry Myers is dead so we are alone, he served his purpose and is no longer needed"
I don't know what his plan is whether he want me dead or alive.
He pulls out a belt and hits me with it multiple times on the stomach and the legs. He grabs two scalpels and laughs, he says "scars on your hands, how about feet"
The next thing he does is stab a scalpel in the middle of my left foot so it goes right through from the top to the bottom, he twists in smiling at my screams of pain. He stops for a little bit before he does the same thing in my right foot.

He leaves the room again, laughing as he walk away. I have stopped screaming and now just cry from the pain.

I don't know have long I lie there, there is no clock or light from outside. The only light is from the light hanging from the ceiling is turned on.
After a while my feet go numb and I can no longer feel them, I know they will now have serious damage. I feel my whole body start to shake before everything goes black and once again I pass out.

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