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Jane pov...

Riley called and asked if I wanted to hang out with her as we both have the day off.

She suggests we go to mini golf, we used to go when we were younger and have lots of fun. It's an outside course with 18 holes.
It's fun as it's pirate themed, the course has some cool holes. We get there and stop in the shop first to get a ball and a golf club each and the scoresheet and a pencil before we head outside to the course.

It's a nice with with sound effects and has squirting water, sharks and crocodiles moving in their river. The course is all themed with forest, pirates, a pirate ship, caves and other things.

Some of the holes have obstacles like barrels, gravestones or rocks. One of them you have to hit the ball over a river. Then the next hole is on a pirate ship. They have one hole is a cave so it's hard to see. The next hole you have to pick one of three tunnels to hit the ball in the tunnels all come out in a different place. One you have to hit the ball in the crocodiles mouth and in drops down the the other part of the hole.
The last hole is simple, just a few curves and some rocks in the way but once you get the ball in the last hole the game is over. The ball with go through a tunnel system and end up back at the shop so you don't have to take the ball back.
We work out the scores and I got 53 and Riley got 52 so she wins by one point. It was a fun game where we both got hole in ones and some holes we needed a few more hits are they were harder.

It was fun spending time with Riley and getting to know each other now after all these years. We came to the mutual decision to stick to friends and won't be more than that because of everything that has happened and we have moved on from the feelings we had for each other when we were dating.

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