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Jane pov...

I regain consciousness only to feel the immense pain from my feet. I can't move them but can feel the scalpels in them.
I hear noise and see Hoyt walk in, he smiles and says "glad to see you awake Janie"
I don't move at all or respond to what he says as I know that's what he wants.

He says "don't worry Janie I'll get us some food, we have plenty of time to do what I want. Your team won't find you here at all.

Hoyt puts a piece of tape on my mouth so I can't make any noise while he is gone. I hear the front door close and lock.
I move my mouth all around which starts to loosen the tape. I move my head to the side and scrape my face on the bed and the tape starts to come off. I get the tape off and scream as loud as I can and keep going until my throat hurts too much to scream anymore. I hope that there was someone else in the apartment building who heard and called the police for help.
I lie there not moving while waiting for what happens next.

After what seems like hours lying there with pain that keeps getting worse, I drift in and out of consciousness while waiting. I don't know how much longer I will last. I can feel the blood that has come out of the wound some new and some that has dried on my foot.

I hear the door unlock and Hoyt walks in the room with a bag of Chinese food. He comes over to me and hits me before saying "why is that tape off your mouth, I hope you didn't do anything stupid"
I don't say anything and wait to see what happens next.

He opens the food, he eats a few bites before feeding me some. I don't have a choice in eating as he puts it straight in my mouth. He says "we both need to eat Janie, we are going to next our strength for what comes next"
I don't mean to but before I can stop myself I ask "what comes next?"
He says "beautiful love making Janie, don't you know how long I have waited for this. I want it to be perfect, we need our energy to keep going as long as I want".

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