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Jane pov...

I wake up and am nervous about what will happen today, I have the surgery in a few hours. Dr. Pearson comes in to take some bloods, check over my vitals and make sure I was okay and had no questions. Once everything was sorted she left and will be back in a few hours ready to do the surgery.

I am only left alone for a little bit before Cavanaugh walks in with others from BPD, some of them have vases with flowers in to decorate the room. We talk for awhile to catch up and they are here to make sure I know that everyone from BPD is supporting me after everything that happened with Hoyt and now the cancer. It was a shock to everyone and I have always been seen as strong and never giving up. I have taken the least amount of work possible and now going back to work is not a thought in my mind as it will be a long time.

We all talk just to catch up and I know that some of them should be at work or have gotten off shift to come and see me. I am so grateful for everyone to be here and knowing how many people care.

It's strange to think that this would have happened with what happened with Hoyt, I look at my legs in the cast and I am still getting pain in them knowing how lucky I am to have survived him and it was only because I was hit in the head that I got the scan done which told me about the tumour. It's strange to think that without the Hoyt incident I could have never known how sick I was and I wouldn't be here right now.

A few people leave while there are a few people still here who we all talk before there is a knock on the door and Dr. Pearson says "it's time Jane"
I nod and say goodbye to everyone as they all leave while Dr. Pearson comes in and gets the bed ready to move me to the surgery room.

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