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Jane pov...

I slowly start to wake up. The first thing I can feel is pain and I can hear people talking. I remember what happened and know I am in a hospital. I slowly open my eyes, I open and close my eyes a few times while getting used to the brightness of the room.
A doctor sees me awake and smiles. He says "hello Jane, I'm Dr. Kimpton. How are you?
I say "hello, I'm quite sore"
He nods and says "we will give you some more pain relief"
A nurse injects some liquid into the IV in my arm before writing it down in a file.
Dr Kimpton asks "what do remember of what happened?"
I say "I remember it all I was taken by Hoyt and his apprentice after they hit me on the head a few times. I woke up with my hands and feet handcuffed and some of my clothes had been taken off. Hoyt told me he had killed his apprentice. He stabbed a scalpel in each foot and twisted them. He left for a bit to get food and was taking his time. Korsak killed him and Hoyt fell out me before I passed out again.
He nods and says "we have put plate and screws in your feet as the bones were shattered, the nerves may have some damage. We needed you to wake up before we could test anything else, we will need to do another X-ray of your feet, an MRI and a CT scan and go from there. Once the tests are done your feet will be put in casts and you will be in a wheelchair, when you are sent home you must stay with someone so they can help you with anything you need."
I nod knowing that the tests need to be done and I will have no choice in having someone else there with me. I won't be able to reach most things or move easily.

Dr. Kimpton says "we will go get the tests organised, it will take about an hour. I will take you out of recovery and you will be moved to a private room in the intensive care unit"
They unlock the wheels on the bed before pushing the bed into into my new room. They connect me to a machine to monitor my breathing and heart rate.
Dr. Kimpton says "I will let your family and friends in to see you until we need to take you to your tests"
I nod and say "thank you"
They leave the room and I am left alone for a moment. It doesn't take long before Angela, Frankie, Tommy, Maura, Korsak, Frost, Cavanaugh and Riley all walk in. I know there is normally only a few people allowed in at a time but they would have made an exception, as I'm in a private room they won't don't mind as much.

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