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Jane pov...

Everyone walks in and gives me a hug carefully so they don't touch any of the wires attacked to me. I can see the smiles on their faces, I look at Ma and I can tell she is trying not to cry.
I say to them "don't worry I'm okay, I just have deal with my feet needing to heal. It will take awhile but I can do it"
Ma says "I know you can Janie but it's always hard to see you hurt"
I smile and say "it's okay ma"
She nods and gives me another hug.

Cavanaugh says "it's good to see you awake and minimal injuries Rizzoli, I'm sorry this happened to you"
I nod and say "thank you sir, I have a good unit to help me. I won't be at work for awhile though"
He laughs and says "there's the Rizzoli I know, but seriously take as much time off work as you need. Your job and desk will be waiting for you when you get back. I will need you to give a statement and fill out some paperwork for this case but do it when you are ready"
I nod and say "thank you sir"
He nods and says "I will come back and visit later but right now enjoy the time with your family"
We say goodbye and Cavanaugh leaves.

I can tell that nobody really knows what to say. I speak first and say "thank you for saving me, I remember Hoyt being shot is he dead?"
Korsak answers "yes Jane he is dead, he can't hurt you and no more apprentices either"
Frost says "don't worry you are safe now Jane"
I smile knowing I will be safe and he can't hurt me again. Hoyt has been torturing me for years and now it is finally over.

Frankie says "I'm glad your okay Janie"
Tommy says "yeah we can't have our big sis too hurt can we"
I laugh and say "thanks guys"

Riley says "I think we have lots to catch up on"
I say "yeah and if you don't mind I'll be in here for a bit it else stuck at home with not much to do"
She smiles and says "I'd love to spend some more time with you Jane, I have missed you as my friend"

Maura says "we thought we had lost you"
I say "it's okay Mau, I'll be fine one day and now it is over"
She smiles and hugs me. Dr. Kimpton knocks on the door and says "I'll give you another minute but then we have to go"

We nod and everyone says goodbye, I say "Vince stay behind for a second"
He nods and everyone else leaves. I say "thank you for saving me Vince and I know you, don't even think about blaming yourself for what happened"
He asks "how can you say that?"
I say "Hoyt would have found a way to get me no matter what, you saved me again. I can't thank you enough for finding and saving me"
He smiles and before he can respond Dr. Kimpton walks in with a nurse and says "time to go Jane"
I nod as Korsak leaves the room, the wheels on my bed are unlocked and they detach some of the wires I am connected that can't go anywhere.

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