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Jane pov...

It doesn't take long before I am taken into the operating room where they tell me again what is going to happen before I am put under anaesthetic for the procedure. It doesn't take long before everything goes black.

I wake up in a new room with other people in beds all around me. It doesn't take long before a nurse comes over to me, he checks my eyes and reflexes before asking me questions about my name, date of birth, todays date and other questions I should know to make sure that there was no damage to my brain in the procedure.

Once a doctor goes through some tests I am take back to my room. I am still drowsy and fall asleep for a bit before waking up to people coming in my room.
Dr Pearson walks in and says "hope your feeling alright Jane, the procedure went just as we expected. The tests were sent to the lab, there wasn't much in the queue and it has been analysed. I know this isn't what you want to hear but the tumour is malignant which means cancerous. The cancer started in the brain and hasn't spread. It will require surgery to remove it and then you will need chemo and radiation to try to stop it from growing. The tumour is at a stage where even though it has been removed it is likely to grow again."
I lie there trying to process this, I have a cancerous tumour that once it's gone it could possibly come back.
Dr. Pearson says "your doctor will come see you tomorrow to talk about what happens next, I know you will be tired and need time to process this"
I nod and say "thank you doctor"

I am left alone and fall asleep again for a bit. I wake up and see Maura sitting in a chair next to me. I say "hey Mau"
She smiles and say "hey, your awake Jane"
I nod and ask "where is everyone?"
She says "they all went how to shower and get new clothes on, we haven't been told what happened today just that you were allowed one person in your room while you were waking up and more visitors could come back later. What's going on Jane?"
I say "my feet look in a good place to start healing after the surgery and there were no other injuries but the tests showed something else. That's why it took so long as they ran extra tests and I have just a procedure for a brain biopsy. I have a cancerous tumour Mau"
I can tell she is shocked but it helps that Maura is all about medical information. She says "I'm so sorry Jane"
I nod and say "I don't know much more other that it need surgery then chemo and radiation to try and stop the growth but the tumour could come back. The doctor will be back tomorrow and explain everything, they wanted me to get some rest and have time to process before they give more information"
She frowns and says "if that is what they have said already then it means it is lucky they picked it up now, any later and it could have been too late. This is bad Jane, I'm so sorry"

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