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Jane pov...

Riley and I talk for hours to catch up, it reminds me of when we were 18 and would stay up all night talking and watching movies.
We finish talking and its late so we order in pizza and decide to have a marathon of the Final Destination movies.

When we finish its 7am and Riley has to work so I drive her to her place and drop her off and we will met up again soon.

I go home and tidy up and then watch recordings of the Red Sox games. I have a break for lunch and Riley text me asking if I wanted to go to a club with her tonight, I say yes.

After Riley finishes work at 5 we get ready and go out to a club where we dance, sing to the music and drink all night till the club shuts at 3am when we catch a taxi and Riley gets dropped off at her house and I go to my place.

I get home and go straight to bed and fall asleep instantly. I am woken up by my phone going off, I look at the time it's 10am. I answer the phone without looking at caller ID. It's Cavanaugh and he tells me "I know I said to have time off but Hoyt is back as the scene looks like his work so I want you to come in".
I say "yes sir I will be there in under an hour".

I get up and my head hurts so much, I go straight to the bathroom and throw up, I haven't drunk that much in a while.
I have a quick shower and get ready, I finish my makeup and decide to put sunglasses on so work doesn't know I am hungover, it's not good to be especially seeing that this case is Hoyt.
The last time I dealt with Hoyt I shot his hands so he matched mine but I regret not killing him, he has killed so many people and continues to kill making it dangerous as I am one of his main targets.

I buy a coffee on the way to work and head straight to my desk and sit down. My head still hurts like hell but at least I'm not going to be sick anymore.
Korsak and Frost walk over to me and Frost says "you look like shit"
I say "thanks"
He smile and Korsak says "Hoyt is back with an accomplice and he has escaped from prison within the last hour" he paused and then says "are you hungover?"
I say "yeah reliving old times isn't the smartest idea"
Frost says "I want to know more about this later but we need to work on Hoyt first"
I say "okay what do we have"
Korsak says "a Mike Smeek was tied up and slit at the throat, all the sign of Hoyt and the wife Danielle is missing and there is signs that she was assaulted"
Frost interrupts and says "Maura just text, she has something"
Korsak says "Jane you go and tell us what she has"
I nod and walk down to the morgue and go over to Maura. She says "you can take off your glasses you know"
I take them off and she says "you're hungover, how much did you drink last night?"
I shrug and say "I lost count after the first few hours"
She says "what were you doing last night?"
I say "I went out to a club with an old friend from sometime after 5pm till it closed at 3am"
She laughs and says "you probably feel really bad right now"
I nod and say "I do so I want to figure this out as soon as possible, what do you have?"
She says "we got a fingerprint match behind his ear to a Mark Gilbert, he wasn't trained as well so he might make mistakes. There are some fibres we found and they are being tested right now. And there was one other thing, I found a piece of paper of you outside some house in a taxi"
I ask "can I see the photo?"
She nods and hands me an evidence bag and I look at the photo and say "this was taken this morning"
I quickly take out my phone and call Riley, she answers after a few rings and I say "can you come meet me at my work now?"
She says "yeah, I didn't think you were working though"
I say "I am, I will explain when you get here please get here soon"
She says "I'll be there in a few minutes"
I say "ok I will meet you at the door"
I hang up the phone and say "thanks Maura, I have to go"
She nods and I walk out and head to the door to meet Riley who gets there just after I do.

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