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Jane pov...

We have the day off from work today which works out well, I got tickets for Ma, Frankie, Tommy, Maura, Korsak, Frost and I to go and see the Red Sox play at Fenway Park. I thought it would be good for us all to spend some time together doing something fun.

Everyone was excited to go the game. I have been to the games before with the guys but its been a few years. I love watching the games, I normally watch them on tv but it is always better to watch it live in person. We watch the game and I convince Maura to try one of the hotdogs and a beer so that she gets the full experience of a baseball game as she has never been to a proper game before.

The Red Sox game ends and we talk a little more while waiting for the crowd to disperse some more before we leave. Once more of the crowd has left we leave as it is easier to get out now will less people trying to get out in a rush. I say goodbye to the others as we split off into our separate cars.

I head in the car with Ma, Frankie and Tommy. We head to my apartment where we all work together to make dinner and have a family meal together. Tommy tells us how he is getting his final plumber certification so that he is fully qualified and can now start back up the family plumbing business after Pop left.
Frankie talks about Holly who is the girl he has just starting going out with, it's still new so we haven't met her yet.
Ma is working on selling homemade goods as part of her work at the BPD cafe.
We talk about work, how I am and other topics that come to mind. It's nice to spend time as a family and things are mostly back to normal now.
We finished dinner and clean up while joking around. Ma decides to put on a movie so we all sit down and watch together, she put on a comedy so it got us all laughing.

Authors note...
Hello, I hope you are enjoying the story. Sorry they have been such short chapters lately but I am just trying to get something posted. I am thinking of ending this book in a few chapters as I don't really have time to write, I am only writing now as my ankle isn't healed yet and I'm not allowed at work but I might get the all clear next week.

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