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Jane pov...

After a while Dr. Kimpton comes back in with another doctor. He says "Jane this is Dr. Pearson she is a neurosurgeon who has been given your case"
I say "hello, what do you mean my case?"
Dr Kimpton says "I am sorry to tell you this Jane but we your tests results have showed that you have a brain tumour, you will need a biopsy to determine whether it is cancerous or not and then we can come up with what happens next. Dr. Pearson will be doing the biopsy, she will go over what will happen during the procedure before getting ready and we will prep you for the procedure"
I nod in shock of what I have just been told.

Dr Pearson says "your tumour is near the surface of the brain, we will complete what is called an open biopsy. You will be put under general anaesthetic and your head will be put in a device to hold it in place while the procedure is completed. An incision is made in the skull and a small piece of tissue will be removed and sent to the lab for a pathologist examine and give us information on what sort of tumour you have"
I nod and ask "how long will it take?"
Dr Pearson says "the procedure won't take long, we will need to put you under complete the procedure and then you will go into recovery and we will check to make sure everything is alright. The results from the lab will take up to a week to come back"

Dr. Kimpton asks "do you have any questions?"
I shake my head. They nod and Dr. Kimpton says "okay we will get ready, do you want me to get your family?"
I shake my head and say "no, I don't want them to know under after the procedure when I will tell them what is going on"

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