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Jane pov...

I get taken for an MRI, the doctors and I are hoping for good news. I have finished the rounds of chemo and radiation needed to remove the rest of the cancer. I finished the last treatment a week ago and am slowly getting strength back as I walk around the hospital a bit more, physiotherapy has helped me with gaining back full function in my feet. Eating and drinking had gotten better as I no longer feel nauseous all the time.

I finish the test and am sent back to my room while they go over the results. It doesn't take long before Dr. Kimpton walks in and smiles. He says "good news Jane, you show no signs of cancer or tumour in your brain. You are now in remission, we will get you to come in for an MRI every 6 months for awhile to monitor and check for any signs of it coming back"
I nod and smile before saying "thank you doc"
He says "I will go sort some things out and deal with your paperwork to sort out what happens next"
I nod and he leaves the room.

It's strange to think that now I am perfectly healthy and could go home soon, this room has been where I have lived for so many months.
There is a knock on the door before Dr. Pearson walks in. She says "congratulations Jane, you are now in remission. I have talked over your case with Dr. Kimpton and the rest of the team and we are sending you home. You have the option to ring the bell in the hallway, it's a tradition for people who have finished cancer treatment and are going home to ring the bell three times as a celebration. You will have some tests and the MRI's every now and then and contact us if you have any problems but we are working on your discharge papers now so you will be home by the end of the day"
I say "thank you so much"
She nods and says "you are welcome Jane"
She leaves and I start to pack all my things into my bags. I have had lots of things to make me comfortable here and now it all goes home. I have all the bags packed just as Ma and Maura arrive for one of their visits. I hadn't told them I was coming home as I wanted it to be a surprise.

They walk in and give me a hug, Ma asks "are you moving rooms?"
I say "no Ma, I'm being discharged and can go home"
They smile and we talk about the results from today and what happens next. Dr. Pearson and Dr. Kimpton walk in and say "your paperwork is complete Jane, you are officially discharged and can go home"
I say "thank you"
Dr. Kimpton asks "are you ringing the bell?"
I nod and he smiles. Maura and Ma help to take my bags as we leave the room. I ring the bell and smile. I ask one of the nurses to take a photo on my phone of the five of us with the bell as it's a moment to remember. I say thank you again to the doctors and the nurses who have been treating me before I leave. We get to my house and it feels different, Ma has been keeping it clean for me. I put my bags in my room before sitting down on the couch with Maura and Ma. Maura had sent a message for Korsak, Frankie, Frost and Riley to come over so I can surprise them with being home.

Authors note...
Thank you for reading, sorry for the long wait. Happy holidays. I have skipped over most of the hospital part as I don't really know anything about how treatment really works and I don't want to get it wrong. I am going to try and finish this book soon, I haven't been writing lately.

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