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Dr Kimpton pov...

I wake up to a phone call, I answer the phone to find out that Jane Rizzoli passed away overnight. I have the only copy of her video goodbye and now I have the job of getting it to her family.
We organised what would happen when she died and I don't mind passing the message on. I look through my notes to remind myself of what to do.

I call a Lieutenant Cavanaugh at Boston Police Department and tell him that I have a message from a Jane Rizzoli that I want to show to him, Vince Korsak, Frankie Rizzoli, Barry Frost, Maura Isles, Angela Rizzoli and Tommy Rizzoli. He says he will organise them all to be in the conference room at 9am and will have it set up that a computer will be set up ready for me when I get there.

I get ready and once it is time I get to BPD and am shown the way to the conference room, no one else is here yet so I can get ready. I plug in my USB drive that has the video from Jane. The door opens and a group of people walk in and sit down. A man comes over and introduces himself as Sean Cavanaugh and tells me that everyone I asked for is here. I nod and say "thank you"

Once Sean sits down and they all look at me I say "thank you for coming, I was Jane's doctor. I'm sorry to have to tell you but Jane passed away last night and wanted me to give you a video she made"

I watch as their faces show shock and sadness before one of them asks "how did she die?"
I say "Jane's tumour came back and it wasn't treatable. She had been at a care facility the last few weeks so she wasn't in any pain, I got a call this morning to say she passed away in her sleep"

They nod and I can tell they are trying to process everything. I say "I'm going to play you a video Jane asked me to play for you and her goodbye"

I press play on the video and it's Jane sitting down before she starts talking. Jane says "hi, if you are seeing this is means I have died. I'm sorry that I left and you never got to say goodbye properly but when I found out the tumour was back I didn't want to put you all through watching me die, it was hard to watch the first time around and this time I knew it would be too hard for all of us.

Cavanaugh thank you for all your support and being a great boss. You helped me when I needed it and supported me so much as a detective and gave me everything I needed to help with solving my cases.

Vince thank you for being an amazing partner. We worked together so many years and you weren't just my partner but a friend and part of my family. You saved my life multiple times and made my time in homicide so much easier.

Barry thank you for being a great partner and friend. Some parts of the job never agreed with you but you stuck with me and supported me. You made me laugh and knew how to help me when I needed it.

Frankie, you are an amazing brother and I'm so proud of you. You are a good detective and have worked hard. You always helped me at work and at home.

Tommy, I love you. You made some mistakes but I'm proud of you now with starting back the plumbing business Rizzoli and sons. I'm glad that I got to see how you changed and have done good in your life.

Maura you are my best friend. We didn't have the best meeting when I was working in drugs but once I moved to homicide and we started working together our friendship grew. We have had some rough patches in our friendship but we were always there for each other. I can't thank you enough for being there for me no matter what time it was. We were always there for each other no matter the situation and I'm glad.

And Ma thank you for being the best mother in the world. I love you. You have all supported me even when it scared you. You did an amazing job and raising us and always being there.

I want to say I love you and thank you to all of you. You have made my life great and I have some amazing memories because of all of you. I'm sorry that I never said goodbye in person but it was going to be too hard. I will always be watching over you. Just know that you made my life the best, I cared about you so much, I love you. Goodbye"

The video ends and everyone in the room is crying. No one has words to say, they take turns with hugging each other and being there for each other.

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