Chapter 31

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"Hobi.... Please" I sighed for the nth time again, "I know you care but can you please give me some space?"

He has been hovering over me ever since Jungkook called out for a quick meeting, not really talking but just keeping a watchful eye over me like I would explode or do something crazy.

"I am not doing anything" he looked up from his phone, "this studio is mine as much as it is yours"

"I am okay" I said, "I really am"

"Okay" he just shrugged, and it is at that point I gave up convincing him. He knew I was upset over Jin and Kookie becoming official... but also, he knew me like the back of his hand and refrained from talking about it.

"want to go out for a drink?" I asked, "can we get out?"

"I thought you will never ask... should I call Yoongi Hyung?" he got up with a soft smile, for someone so loud he as sensitive as me, in fact a bit more.

People called him oblivious, but if his eagle eyes were on you it is like they could even read your soul... capture every microscopic movements and even your breathing pattern if possible and I would do anything just get them away from me for now.

"Sure" I smiled, "will be easier if he is there too"

"You mean to get away from me?", he placed his hands over his chest and screamed "Aahhh.. that hurt, by buddy doesn't want me"

"Shut up" I mumbled, "are you not going to meet noona?"

"I messaged her that will spend the whole day with her tomorrow" he extended a hand to pull me up, "today we party, let me call the boys"

I sighed and followed him, regretting my decision... Hobi on party mode is wild.

Maybe this is what I need... time alone with my friends to get my head straight.


"Yo... Namjoon" JB walked in with Jackson in tow, and Jackson laughed "cut trying to be cool.... Hi Hobi" he screamed when he saw Hobi walking towards us.

"So... congrats on the Billboard" they both wished us, "I thought Yoongi is joining as well"

Hobi sighed, "he bailed... said he is too tired for us loudmouths"

"Ouch" Jackson feigned pain, "tell him... am gonna give him a taste of this loudmouth when we meet next time"

I immediately smacked him, "don't be perv towards my hyung"

"I can't talk about any of your band members" Jackson frowned, "everyone is off limit" he turned towards JB "learn from him... you throw us to wolves every chance you get"

"can you blame him?" I joked, "I would do the same too, if you were in my team"

JB high-fived with me making Jackson pout. I started thinking, am I really that protective over them?

"how about that new eye candy in your team... man, I am not into men – but I wouldn't mind myself a Jin" JB laughed and this time, it was he who got smacked.... "stay away from my boys"

I then turned to Hobi, "I told you this was a bad idea"

"Yah" it was JB now, "stop being a mother-hen and let's have fun.... We rarely get breaks together"

Rest of the evening went with us joking, drinking and to say it was good was an understatement.


"Hyung" I heard a soft voice, "Hyung.... It's almost noon" I woke up groggily only to find a hesitant Kookie trying to wake me up.

"Huh?" I sat up with a strong hangover setting in, "here" he extended a tablet and some water, "have some food and then sleep Hyung... should I get it here for you?"

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