Chapter 1

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Wow I thought to myself as I moved to the corner of the stage, it is our first stadium performance and it was filled with army. I couldn't stop smiling at the same time resolving myself to do my best.

It was after our third song, Namjoon hyung was giving a small speech, engaging the audience and I moved out to wave to our fans, making funny faces and winking at them.

It was then I spotted an empty chair holding a bright pink ... something that looked like a school bag in the second row.

I focused and it was then I noticed the young boy, looking ethereal but at the same time he was sitting still.

"Get back in position" Jimin whispered as he back hugged me "it's time for your comments"

I smiled at him, "Does he look sad?" I asked Jimin Hyung, "Who?" he looked at our members. "not them, him" I tried to point to the spot when I had seen the young boy.

"How can you see in the crowd?" Jimin frowned "Do you have hawk vision Kookie?" he just laughed and pulled me back to the center stage

I joined rest of my members , we spoke as per script and continued with our performance but entire time I just could not shake off his silhouette from my mind and every chance I got, I ran to the left side of our stage to get a better look at him.

To my disappointment, he remained seated while everyone around him stood, danced and cheered.

"Why do you keep running off today?" I heard Hoseok Hyung, "don't get distracted, we still have 7 more songs to perform"

I turned back and winked at him before throwing myself on his back "you know I won't ever get distracted"

"Yah" he whined but still carried me around laughing

We continued with our songs but this time, I was distracted despite of my best efforts. My eyes kept searching for that angelic looking boy, there was a heavy feeling inside me that I could not just shake it off.

Finally, we got a small break and it was now 'Army Time' meaning we get another window to interact with our fans, a time I look forward the most during our shows.

I ran to the left corner again, before anyone could stop me and now the stage lights were dimmed and I could see the audience better.

The focus lights shined over the army and luckily this time, I could see him clearly, his heads down focusing on something in his hands, it was as if even in that loud crowd he was alone. He was like a full moon, calm and shining amongst the noisy ocean yet something about him screamed he is lonely.

I jumped off stage, before my logical reasoning could stop me.

I dashed towards him but didn't stop when I heard our crew yelling for me to return back. Our bodyguards closed in but I was just two steps away from him.

One of the girls, next to him, knocked him over and the object he was holding... a small ring rolled toward me. I picked it up and he looked stunned, his tears strained cheeks turning even paler.

My heart ached for him, I can see that he was lonely despite being surrounded by thousands, his world was silent despite all the screams and in that moment, mine as well.

All I saw was this beautiful boy, his eyes contained nothing, just pain and I couldn't help myself from giving him a hug.

I then knelt down next to him, ignoring the hands touching me, lights flashing around as and handed over the ring I had picked up.

He still looked frozen, his eyes shuttling between the ring and my face

"You might think you have no one, but you are wrong" I extended my hands to him, as he slowly took the ring back "there is always someone watching over you"

Tears started running down his face again, but his eyes never left mine

"Please smile" I said, as I wiped his tears away "try and be happy, there is so much to life than the sadness you are feeling right now"

I was pulled back by someone and in that instant rest of the world came into my view, I smiled at the girls surrounding us, wished them all good luck and ran back to the stage.

Rest of my team, continued with their comments and discussion, but it was evident on their faces that they were worried for me.

I quickly ran up to them with a goofy smile, for some reason I felt light, and joined them.

Crowd was going crazy and I had to stop myself from looking in his direction, we continued as nothing happened, like I didn't pull the most ridiculous stunt, but I know what was in store.

Finally, we were done. We bowed and started walking backstage.

"I know you don't regret what you did" Yoongi sighed, "but boy.... You are in trouble"

"Sorry Hyung" I said, a bit worried if the rest of them will get scolded as well

"Its okay" Namjoon smiled "we know you love your fans"

"am really sorry" I said again, guilt and worry consuming me

"It's okay Kookie" Taehyung grinned "just warn us next time"

"don't put yourself in risk, please" Jimin sighed "what if you had got hurt jumping like that"

I know I should be listening to them, but all  could think of was that boy, if he was okay after the stunt I had pulled. Will the media and army leave him alone, I know they will never show the face of a fan and most of the cameras would have focused only on me

"He will be okay" Hoseok smiled

"Hyung?" I was stunned as I looked up, but he just shrugged "you are so transparent" he ruffled my hair which I quickly set again, "get ready, PDnim just called our manager"

I gritted my teeth, heard everything that wassaid to me while looking down and continuously kept mumbling 'I am sorry', Isighed it was going to be a long night as my manager made me join the call withour PDnim.

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