Chapter 15

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"Kookie" I tried yet again, it has been 3 days and he is still closed off. He turned to look at me his expression guarded, still not ready to talk about what caused those tears and cold shoulders that followed.

"I am planning to visit my family tomorrow" I said in a whisper not wanting to disturb others, "will you come with me?"

I was nervous, will he turn me down. I had apologized a hundred times already, explained that I never supported Hobi but only trying to defuse the situation. He nodded, spoke limited words but his behavior towards me had taken a 180.

Distant and guarded. I didn't know maybe if I had done something or if he had finally come to his senses and treating me like he should... an older teammate

"Just me?" He looked up, simple words cut me like knife.

Does he not want to be with me alone? Is he afraid or worried? He was right in doing so as well. He has to be worried about his future, but if he is afraid of me then... I hated myself.

"You don't have to if you don't want" I said with a smile, masking my pain "I will go alone as usual"

"No" I said instantly "I will come", a bright smile bloomed on his face

"We will start at 5 from here" I told him "you can sleep on the way"

"You are driving" he said simply, smiling "okay, 5 then"

"Do you want our managers to come, it is usually empty so early in the morning and you don't have to if you are worried" I said, as to why I invited him, I just felt like it, like I wanted my parents to meet him.

"No" he turned to look out the window "just the two of us is fine"

I relaxed, at least he is okay of being with me alone.

"Okay" I got up "I have to go for fitting now, will see you later at home"

He turned and smiled his usual smile first before his expression became guarded again "Sure"

I must have walked a couple of steps before he called out, "did you inform sejin Hyung?", I turned and nodded, maybe he is looking out for an excuse to say no.

"Can we eat breakfast outside, before returning back?" he asked his eyes wide, I nodded again. "Let me get masks and cap just in case for both of us" he said and started scrolling through his phone.

Yoongi joined me as we both walked to the dressing rooms "you two made up?"

"Not sure" I said

"he agreed on the date, and probably is searching for good restaurants on route" Yoongi said with a shrug "looks like you to made up after your fight to me"

"I was not even sure we were fighting" I sighed, Yoongi can be so absurd at times but he is the only one I can talk to "don't you see how guarded he is around me?"

"Yeah... so?" he waited for my response as if his statement made sense. I just sighed and shook my head.

"Just enjoy the date tomorrow, but concentrate ONLY on the tour after" Yoongi said, "I will skin you alive if you don't"

I smiled, admiring his commitment "Yes Sir, I will Sir" I saluted in his direction laughing.


"Do you really drive this long every week?" Jungkook said when he finally woke up and checked the time "when do you even sleep?"

"I am used to this" I said, "it doesn't feel right if I don't meet them" I got down the car and continued "I don't know how I am going to manage when we leave the country"

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