Chapter 40 - Epilogue

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"We are actually doing it" I looked around the venue, doing a last minute check on the decorations. Jimin and Hoseok were following us closely.

"Hyung...." Namjoon walked towards Jungkook and I "Ken and his wife just arrived and checked in. He called your cell" he sheepishly extended it to me, "sorry I think I took yours by mistake"

"No problem and Thanks" I took it back from him.

"Give me minute, they missed the center piece on that table" Jungkook pointed, "Aish... why can't they get it right?"

"Kookie" Namjoon sighed, "leave the details to the planner... am sure he will get to it"

"Ah.. yes, where the hell is she?" he looked around

"probably hiding from you" Jimin chuckled, "you are bridezilla and king kong combined together"

"don't forget how much of a monster you were at your wedding" I quickly smacked Jimin, "at least he is not giving his best man hell like you & Tae did"

Jimin looked offended, and turned to Hobi with a pout "he doesn't love us now"

"he never loved us Jimina" Hobi dramatically sighed, "it was all an act"

"Ouch" Namjoon placed his right hand chest as if he was in pain, but I just chuckled "and you believed it for all these years?! Who's a fool?"

"Anyone will be a fool for you Hyung" Namjoon winked, "but none bigger than Jungkook..."

"Don't make him turn blush.... Especially with Kookie around" Jimin sighed, and Tae joined us, quikly followed by Jungkook. "Namjoon Hyung... Is your girlfriend here yet?" he asked, "shouldn't she be here now?"

He gasped dramatically when he saw me standing with Namjoon... "You... you should be in your room. I just scolded Jungkook" he put both his hands on his hips, "and I thought the grooms are not supposed to see each other before wedding"

A bigger hand quickly covered my eyes, and I heard Namjoon say "problem solved"

"Yahhh" I tried to wiggle out, but he locked me in his hold from the back , "I am taking you back to your room Hyung.... Away from Tae starts his lecture again"

There was a laughter, but I let him maneuver me away. After a couple of seconds he removed his hands covering mine, "I really had to get you out of there... it was getting late"

"Thanks" I smiled, I wanted to ask him about Kook, but I walked next to him silently.

"I really can't believe" Namjoon sighed, "it has been 14 years"

"I know" I smiled, "time never waits for us"

He smiled and continued walking, I just looked at Namjoon .... He had been a rock through all our ups and downs when Jungkook and I came out in public, there was a lot of lashing out... we lost considerable amount of fan base but it never altered him from supporting us.

All through the years, he kept BTS together, never overwhelming but at the same time a subtle authority that guided everyone.

"Namjoona" I called him before entering my room, where my makeup crew had set themselves up

"Hyung?" he paused, worried at the sudden change of tone "what do you need?"

"I never really thanked you" I sighed, "thanks for letting me be a part of this journey"

"Aish" he smiled, his dimples showing up "I got worried if I missed something... or you were getting cold feet"

"No..." I hugged him, "I mean it"

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