Chapter 14

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I looked around at the tired faces, we had just reached home after a brutal practice, just a week before we start our tour as a group of seven members instead of usual six.

"Hoba, you will have fried rice?" Namjoon asked, "I am ordering now"

"Okay, and add half and half chicken" I said, finishing the rest of water before sitting next to Seokjin. He smiled at me, made space and got back to his phone.

I had to agree, he had come a long way and his determination and dedication made him bridge the gap rather quickly, it was truly mind blowing.

The past 10 months from that fateful night seems to have gone within a flick of our finger and somehow, he had managed to establish his presence amongst us.

His only reaction to negative comments has been silent tears at night when he thought no one was looking.

"Hyung" something quickly flew past me and I looked around, realizing my surroundings and earning a chuckle from Jimin and Tae, "shower is free" Jungkook said with a rather hard expression.

Had I offended him? I picked up the plushie he had thrown to get my attention as I walked past him, clearly, he was upset but I couldn't recollect anything I might have said or done to deserve this attitude.

"What's your problem?"

He just shrugged and walked away, I just chose to ignore him for the moment – we are all tired and I just didn't have the energy to argue with the young jerk.

"Hyung" Jimin called softly from outside my room, "food is here"

"Huh?" I looked up realizing I had crashed after my shower

"eat and then sleep Hyung" Jimin smiled softly "don't sleep on empty stomach"

"Hmmm" I finally managed to pull myself and followed him. I saw an empty chair next to Yoongi Hyung and just when I was about to sit, Jungkook quickly grabbed it and sat down making me almost fall.

"Yah" I snapped, "what's with the attitude you idiot?"

He only shrugged.

"I asked you a question" I now raised my voice, making others look in our direction. 

Namjoon and Seokjin who were busy opening the containers and plating food for all of us looked up finally sensing the tensed atmosphere

Jungkook answered without looking up, "I was sitting there"

"So what?" I lost it, "don't forget your place and behave accordingly"

"Hobi" Namjoon came to my side, trying to calm me down while Tae and Jimin looked worried

"and what exactly is that?" he was not backing down, despite Yoongi and Jin Hyung trying to calm him down.

"Respect, Jungkook" this time Namjoon answered before me "talk to him politely, he is older than you"

"Just because am younger, should I let go everything?" he responded, "does it give him a right to walk all over me, call me name as he pleases"

"It is you who have been disrespectful from the beginning" I couldn't hold myself back "just because you are good at something doesn't give you the right to be disrespectful to your hyung's"

"don't you have to earn it?" he was now glaring at me in blatant contempt.

Me... earn his respect, I lost it and in a blink of I was holding his shirt collars blinded by sudden rage, and he did the same.

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