Chapter 17

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The news that Hobi had a girlfriend came in as a curve ball, but Jungkook admitting he had someone special wrecked me. 

How stupid could I have been, of course he would have someone special .... How can he not when he was so special himself?

It was almost 1 30 AM when I finally stopped, feeling tired I took a quick shower and changed, ready to get back to my room. I heard a soft sniffle coming from the dark room.

Curiosity got the better of me and I walked towards the dark corner, only to find Namjoon sitting on the floor, resting his head against the wall.


"Huh?" he looked up, startled "Hyung?"

"What's wrong?" I sat next to him, clearly, he is upset.

"nothing" he mumbled, not meeting my eye.

I sighed, "you know nothing either means something or everything in this scenario almost all the time"

He was silent, I nudged him with my shoulders. I could feel his body tremble as if he was crying and I was glad for the lack of light.

"they said I cheaped out for money and I can't call myself a musician" he said in trembling voice and it broke my heart to see him like that, I had to stop myself from swearing out loud and instead asked "who did"

"people who matter to me in this industry" he sighed, wiping down his tears "just because I stopped rapping and am part of an idol group"

"what do you think?", I couldn't help myself from wrapping my hands around him

"I don't know" he looked away, "maybe I did"

"did what?"

"compromised on my music, in search for fame" his words were barely a whisper

"I would say you switched your style, opted a better medium to take your music to larger audience" I paused, "how is that any different?" 

Namjoon glared at me "you are saying the same but in sweet words"

"No" I shook my head, "isn't ultimate purpose of your music was to heal your own soul, and on the way heal others and make a name, fame out of it"

He nodded, pouting a bit. Honestly, he looked cute, I had to stop myself from pinching his cheeks.

"until I met you I didn't even know there was something called as 'underworld rapping', or 'rappers', or even 'rap albums" I smiled, "but when Jisoo played your songs, I am being honest, a few of them did help me"

He remained silent, so I continued

"your words were easy to relate to... not just me, but many like me" I took his hands in mine, "if it can reach millions by being in a boy group, what is wrong with that?" I asked him, "and what is wrong in making money by doing what you love?"

"I don't get you, Hyung" he sighed, "are you saying I opted to switch for money?"

I shook my head, "I am saying would you have quit if you didn't make it big? Would you have stopped making music?"

He shook his head "I would have kept trying until I did"

"Now you that you succeeded, are you going to stop?", he shook his head again.

"See.... Ignore those loser's words, it might be just out of jealousy or what you are feeling can be 'survivor's guilt'. Your music, lyric has helped so many people like me who are ignorant, so be glad that you have a nice platform to reach your fans"

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