Chapter 16

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I took a deep breath calming myself, as Namjoon walked together with Jin Hyung at the airport. I covered my face with cap and mask just to ensure that no one captures me wanting to rip off Rapmon Hyung's hands as he placed it on Jin's broad back.

"Kookie" Jimin called, as he walked closer "watch where you are going" he said as he dragged me closer to the group

I only mumbled a sorry and continued walking closer to him. I need to learn to control my emotions.

Remember, if he is going to be the reason why you guys are fighting amongst yourself then am no way obligated to keep him in the group. I recollected Hobeom and Bang PD nim's words.

My irrational possessiveness caused enough trouble already, it made things hard with Hoseok Hyung, I got into trouble with agency, not that it mattered but they said it would only impact Jin Hyung's tenure and lastly I have to stop looking at my team as potential rival's.

Realization came easily, but to act on it was a daily struggle... maybe I still need to mature more like they all tell me.

I felt someone dragging me, crap I had strayed away again.

"Hold him" Sejin Hyung said to Jimin, I felt ashamed being treated like a kindergarten student, I don't need a babysitter.

"Yes, you do" Tae laughed as he came closer, as stood next to me "you almost walked into a pillar"

I had not realized that I had said it out loud, but I only glared at him.

"Who is he searching for?" Tae was talking to Jimin, and I looked in his direction only to see Jin Hyung looking around and break into a smile when his eyes landed in our direction. I smiled back, but when I turned, I saw Tae with a wide smile as well.

Was he not looking for me?

This time it was Sejin Hyung, who was literally dragging me "I am not letting you go, until I lock your ass in that flight seat", he said with a sigh "why are you so distracted?"

I quickly went through immigration, and we were in private waiting room away from all camera's, well not all but at least away from public eyes.

"Kookie, are you okay?" he came with a plate full of food and extended it to me "eat, you didn't eat anything since morning"

"Hyung, he is loaded on sugar already" Yoongi said, "he finished a whole bottle of chocolate milk"

"So, he needs to eat" he just frowned at Yoongi, "he has a fast metabolism"

"Jin Hyung, I didn't eat too" Tae whined, he replied "come with me, let's get food together"

"this is discrimination" Tae said out loud, looking at me and I just stuck my tongue out ate in silence after throwing my bag on the chair next to mine – reserving it for him.

"get that disgusting thing out" Jimin sighed, "this is not a school bus for you to reserve seat next to you for your boyfriend"

He called Jin my boyfriend, one down five to go.

"You are actually happy that I said boyfriend, aren't you" Jimin only shook his head and muttered "you are such a loser", he pulled another chair and sat down opposite to me.

I ignored him and continued to eat, until I saw Hoseok Hyung coming towards us with a plate, making me feel guilty that he was actually considering if he should join us.

"Hyung..." I called him out, moved the bag to my other side "Hobi Hyung...." I called again and he finally joined our table with a smile.

"I am sorry" I said even before he could sit down, "I was way out of line"

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