Chapter 19

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I felt bad, while I was upset with Jungkook for behaving to rudely I also knew Tae was at fault. He has been pushing his limits with Jin Hyung, and for some reason while the other didn't welcome the advances he was clearly not strongly pushing back either.

"Kookie" I knocked softly, he had locked his door. "Jungkookaaa" I called out a bit loud.

No response, I knocked again "please open the door"

Silence and a few seconds later I heard soft footsteps, he unlocked but didn't open the door.

I opened the door only to see him sitting on his bed cross-legged, clearly, he was crying.

"sorry, I yelled at you" I sat next to him, he so reminded me of the 15-year-old Kookie who used to cry because he was homesick.

"use your words, next time", I continued, "what if he had been seriously injured... you are yet to learn to control your strength"


"Kookie....", I didn't want to sell out on Tae, but I can clearly see Jungkook needed affirmation that he did not to do something wrong.

"I know why you did it" I acknowledged, "but pick a better approach"

"You know?" he was startled

I gulped, his eyes were boring into mine, making me feel guilty for not defending him there in front of everyone... but I had only my suspicion, plus Jin Hyung was also silent.

"Not for sure" I finally mumbled

"did I make a mistake Hyung?" he was seeking confirmation, "was it really innocent touches..."

"maybe" I sighed, Tae has always been naïve and sweet, I just can't accept that he can be ...

"Jin Hyung also was silent" he mumbled, "maybe I misread the whole situation"

I pulled him into a comforting hug, "Tae won't do that... even if he was pushing boundaries, am sure Jin Hyung can handle it".

He nodded and pulled away.

"Where am I going wrong Hyung?" he asked, "you know that I like him.... Maybe even love him, but why can he not see it?"

I sighed, having no answer

"is it because of my age?" he raised it himself, "Jisoo was my age too, right?"

"Who?" I couldn't quickly place the name

"his sister"

"ahhh" I finally connected the dots, "maybe.... Have you ever spoken to him directly?"


"Why don't you talk to him? Let him know how you feel"

"I have done on so many instances"

I frowned; this was new.... I was about to ask what had Jin responded but he looked away answering my unvoiced question, "not in the exact same words.... Never openly, but I asked him to wait, I told him I want him in my life"

"Hmmm" I was surprised, I never thought that Kookie would be able to voice his desires.

"but I am not sure about him... it's always mixed signal"

"Give it time" I sighed finally, being the coward that I was, "make him see that you are not just a kid, but for you. You never know if it is infatuation or not"

He looked offended, but also, he nodded. "I just have to prove am matured, adult", he slowly smiled I could all but hear the gears in his head turning.

I left him to his devices.

Jin Hyung has always been different when it came to Jungkook – his words, actions and eyes were all guarded but then sometime, he would slip.

I closed Jungkook's door and turned, only to see Tae and Jin Hyung walk out the main door.

I quickly followed, at least I can get on with my heartbreak... I sighed and followed them, after making sure no one else is around.


"It was highly inappropriate" I heard Jin Hyung, as soon as I reached, the terrace, "am sorry Tae, but that was not the way for you to behave"

"You were enjoying it too" Tae was whining

"No", Jin's voice was stern, "I was very uncomfortable and would have pushed you myself if Jungkook had not done that"

"You always take his side"

There was a minute silence, I couldn't see what is happening, but I strained to listen more

"Tae....." he sighed, "you need to know the difference... I love you but am not in love with you. I am not comfortable being physically close to someone I don't love. I have told you this"

There was silence again.

"Am sorry TaeTae" Jin's voice was now soft, "if it makes me uncomfortable, how do you think I will learn to like it with time?", like explaining to a 5-year-old. "you need to understand the difference between teasing and harassing, and this is harassment"

I was partially glad that he turned Tae down, but then was Tae in tears, it hurt just to think about it.

"You would never know if you have not tired" Tae was now shouting, not sure what they had communicated, "maybe you will fall in love with me"

"No" Jin's response was firm yet apologetic, "you are not in love with me. Even if you keep denying, your heart wants someone else"

Who are they talking about now? I strained to get a small peek.

"You are wrong" Tae pushed Jin with both his hands, were they hugging before?

Jin balanced himself and stood tall against Tae's slim frame "maybe.... But I know for a fact I don't love you and I don't like it when you touch me". He walked away, leaving Tae in tears.

I scrambled to hide, but he saw me already. He sighed and walked towards me.

"Can you please help him?" he asked, his eyes tearing up already, "I hurt him.... I was too hard on him", he turned to look at Tae before focusing on me again.

I nodded, feeling small for the first time. He was hurting too.

"Can I ask you something Hyung?" I looked up, having made my mind but he only nodded

"Is it kookie?" I asked mustering up all my courage

He looked away, but his face betrayed him.

"Why are you silent?" I probed more, knowing I was crossing some invisible line.

He took a deep breath, he rubbed his hands over his face, smartly covering his expression. "Please help Tae" he said, before I can say anything he walked away.

"Tae" I called out, not to startle him and hugged him, allowing him to dry his tears on my shoulder.

It was inevitable.... Jin Hyung was like a shinynew toy, everyone wanted him, I paled in his comparison. Isighed, pulling him in tighter, when he finally hugged me back.

"Why can't he love my Jimina?" Tae sobbed, his tears wrenched my heart knowing fully well what is it to love someone with out reciprocation. 

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