Chapter 26

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"Hello Hyung" I bowed to security guard; I missed his name when Jin mentioned it yesterday. Better to keep it generic.

Jin tensed next to me, he shot a worried glance towards both of us.

Maybe he has been badmouthing me... I shot him a quick glance, but contrary to my belief his face only reflected genuine surprise.

"Hello... how have you been?" he asked, rather a bit shyly... maybe he is just reserved.

"Okay, you both talk" Jin stressed the word talk and he looked at me once before walking away from us, did he really expect me to get into fist fight or something....

"How have you been?", I extended he small gift, a battery-operated hand fan "sorry, I have been meaning to apologize for the way I behaved when we first met"

"OH... er..ahh" he broke into a big smile, he moved a bit closer to me, keeping his eye on Jin who was replacing his gifts on the small table. This time the space that contained his family remains was a lot bigger and more private.

"I would have behaved exactly the same if my girlfriend hugged some stranger in front of me", he winked, "and she would have flogged me for it later, but I know it was just pure impulse"

Was I that transparent, how is that everyone seems to know except for Jin Hyung?

"Don't frown" he continued, "from all that I have heard... and that's a lot, he is irrevocably in love with you"

"What?" I couldn't hold back my joy, "did he tell you?"

His face fell a bit, he looked a bit guilty, "Er.. it is just that he is really loud when he is here... and.. er.. I kinda happened to be here"

I gave him a quick hug, "you have no idea how much I owe you Hyung.... Thank you, thank you, thank you." I lifted him off the ground and he shirked "put me down..."

"Jungkookaaa..." Jin rushed to us, "what are you doing? Let him be"

I slowly put down, only to see Jin profusely apologizing, while giving me the stink eye.

"He just made my day... well my lifetime" I smiled at Jin, who looked surprised.

"Er..." he turned to the security guard, "he just doesn't realize his strength"

"Jinna.." he looked at me, "it's okay. Don't worry" he ruffled his hair. "I just got another brother"

"Well..." Jin smiled easily, "am glad"

"Okay" security guard pulled away, "go do your thing. I have to go do my work now"

"what was that about?" he asked watching the guard walkaway, "how come you are suddenly friendly with him?"

"Are you jealous?" I smirked, only for Jin quickly shake his head. "He is a close friend to me, am glad you two get along"

Hmmm, he wants me and his friends to get along. It can't be a bad thing, right?


"so that's why Jimin is away?" he looked at me surprised, we stopped by to grab breakfast and I nodded stuffing chocolate waffle into my mouth.

"I think Tae actually loves him, he just has not realized it" Jin added, "it is sad he can't see himself as well as how he sees others"

"I mean" I laughed, "how hard it is to know that you are in love. I knew it right away"

"sometimes we don't look into our self, it is easy to concentrate on others" Jin said with a smile, "sometimes we don't have what it takes to look into us"

"I don't understand" I looked at him confused, are with still talking about Tae?

"that's because you are strong internally and externally" Jin had a proud smile, and my heart swelled at it, "but not everyone is like that"

He had completely skipped the part where I had mentioned that I was in love.... I don't know where this courage was coming from.... Maybe from my earlier talk with the guard

"I accepted it the minute I realized it was love.... that I am in love" I looked at him, hoping he would ... I don't know what I hoped

"ha... it's late... we need to leave now to be on time for the live" he quickly got up, "I will be back in a minute"

Dammm... it was indeed late, but I wanted to confess... maybe I can do it in the car.


"Can I drive?" I asked him after we stepped out of the restaurant, he looked at me doubtfully. "I have my drivers license and you are next to me anyways.... So it's nothing illegal"

He sighed, and gave his key without much argument, "Just don't trash my car"

I laughed, "stay here, will bring it" and sprinted towards the car without waiting for his reply. He was saying something, but I couldn't hear ...

"I could have walked with you" Jin said as he got into the car.

"Yeaah... but I didn't want you too" I smiled, "you hardly slept the night, why don't you rest?"

I kept my eyes forward and start driving, completely knowing his eyes were on me.

"Sleep Hyung" I said softly, "will wake you up when we reach". I could sense he was not in a mood to talk, I sighed... maybe today is not a good day for me to confess.

"I don't want to" he responded. Don't look at him, Don't look at him I kept chanting in my head, knowing fully well that I will lose this cool façade if I take one look at that those chocolate eyes and pouty mouth.

I slowly took his hands in mine and linked my fingers, "my hands are cold", that was the lamest excuse I can come up with.

He didn't pull back, instead placed his other hands on top of mine. I was content with that for now, I saw him close his eyes but I knew he was not sleep... we drove back in silence after.


I placed the last bag out, "Hyung... I will park the car. Leave the bags I will bring them in", but I heard no response. I looked up to find him frowning at the phone as he scrolled.

I chose to ignore, thinking maybe he had not heard, getting into the car and drove towards the parking lot, and while I returned, he had already moved the bags inside but stood waiting for me.

I ran to his with a smile, he is waiting for me, my heart fluttered at that thought... he is waiting for me.

"Kookie" he called be just before stepping into our house.

"Jungkook" I corrected with a soft smile, "I am not a baby anymore"

He took a deep breath, "Jungkook" he said, looking into my eyes. "Thanks". My heart was now running like crazy; I was partly afraid he might hear it.

"But let's leave it here" he said, what is he talking about.... "with BTS in limelight, all our actions will be under microscope and I can't live with myself if anything ever happened to you, to any of you"

"Hyunggg..." , but he cut me off, "you have given more than what I can ever expect Jungkooka... more than anything ever I dared to dream... and your presence in itself brings me so much joy and ..." he paused, to collect himself

"You can't ..." I stopped when I saw him break in front of me, tears daring to flood, "I am not right for you. I will never be right for you... so please, let's leave it all here at this doorstep and just be bandmates"

Did he just break up with me? I mean... we didn't even start... I never got to even confess.

He left me standing alone and rushed into ourhouse. He left me broken.

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