Chapter 34

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My dad was silent as he watched news, he asked me to accompany him while mom was making us lunch in the kitchen... Jin Hyung decided to help her.

I wanted to help them too, Jin Hyung already made breakfast by himself and now he was in kitchen again. I was strongly overruled when I suggested we order delivery by my mom saying... that she wanted to cook something for me.

"Yeobo..." my mom called from the kitchen, making my dad only sigh not responding to her.

"Can we go somewhere to talk?" dad suddenly asked, and I quickly turned my focus from kitchen to my dad


"I don't want to talk here..... so is there some place offering more privacy?" my dad asked slowly

"we can go to the terrace" I offered, why does he need privacy though... what does he want to talk... "are you or mom sick, are you guys okay?" I couldn't help the worry that creeped up on me

"it's not that" my dad sighed, "we are both healthy and good, don't worry" eh got up, "Yeobo.... Am going to the terrace to stretch my legs... call if you want something"

"If you want to stretch your legs... head out to market and get some fruits for dessert... kids have none"

"Okay" he turned to look at me, as if questioning me, what the hell am I waiting for?

I nodded, quickly got my hoodie, mask as I headed out with my dad.

"How far is the mart?" my dad asked, as he put on his shoes and mask as well

"about 20 minutes by walk" I offered, "we can drive"

"No..." he smiled, "let's walk"

"Dad... spit it out please...." I begged the minute we stepped out of the home, I could not hold myself any longer, the suspense was killing me, and I could help myself imagining hundreds of horrible scenarios.

He took a deep breath, as if trying to frame the right words to soften the blow


"about what you told me some time back... "his voice was soft, "are you sure?"

"what?" I was startled

"that... you lik... I mean.. you don't like... er..." he stuttered

"that I like men?" my heart was pounding, and I could hear it echo throughout my body. I had only spoken with him on phone, and after that this was the first time we were talking... then again face to face.

It was hard to look at him.

"hmm" he sighed

"I am", well it is not like I can hide, not if I want to marry Jin.

"so... it is not a phase?" he sounded partly hopeful

"appa.." I sighed; I couldn't stop the tears forming knowing that I am disappointing him.

"I mean... I know, but I just.." he sighed, "it will be hard baby"

"sorry appa" it was all I could say, "I ... I truly am for disappointing you"

"do you know how hard your life will be?" we were both walking slowly, none seemed to have noticed us.

"I know... it will come with hard choices" I answered truthfully, "but it's not like I can change"

"do you have someone?" he asked, and I dreaded that question the most

"hmmm" was all I could say

"does he know?" he asked again, and I only nodded "hmmm"

"are you in a relationship?"

"Yes" I answered truthfully

Dad halted his steps suddenly, "Kookie... I don't want you to get hurt... you are only 20", he seemed to be troubled... "I mean... it's normal... I want... I mean I don't.." he looked away, "are you sexually active?"

"Appa" I only wished the floor would open up and swallow me

"I don't know much about... but... er... are you being careful?" he looked equally uncomfortable as well if am being honest a tad bit more than me, "you never had a normal childhood... you trained hard, and I know you grew up to be an astonishing young man... but... this is" he swallowed

"Nooo" I screamed in horror... I mean, I don't want to have that 'talk' in the middle of the road on the way to mart.

"yah" my dad quickly started walking again, "don't scream in the middle of the road... what if people recognized you?"

"it is normal..." my dad continued, "but you are still a minor and you need to use..."

"please stop" I groaned

"Jussstttt..." but I stopped him "I havn't okay... I don't plan immediately as well... okay?!!! can you please stop"

"oh... ok" he slowly walked, "sorry".

I would have never accompanied him if I had known he wanting to talk to me meant the talk

"it is not like... I want to as well okay..." my dad said, as we entered the mart... "but you mother insisted"

Oh wow... great. Just great. I was now regretting my decision to even meet them before the tour.  We walked in silence neither comfortable to continue the conversation.

We walked straight towards the fruits section.

"Is it Jin?" he asked suddenly, looking up as he picked out some watermelon

"Huh?" I didn't know what to reply

"just tell me" he asked again, "and for how long?"

"I have liked him since the day I met him in that concert" I finally confessed, "but he only accepted my confession recently... and... he refused ..." I stammered, "anything physical..."

God... why am I explaining !!!

"ha.. ok" he nodded and moved to grab some apples, but there was a hint of relief... what the hell is he thinking?

"hmmm" I really didn't know where this was going.

"I want you to be happy ... but at the same time, I want you to make smart choices in life and not throw it away" he said, "let's get them billed and head back home"

I could only nod

"Appa..." I was worried, what if he took out his frustrations on Jin Hyung.

"I like him" he said finally after some thought... "but I can't speak for your mother, so I will leave it upto you to talk to her"

"how?" I was still surprised he got it in a day, when neither of us even spoke a word.

He chuckled, "the way you look at each other, it kind of reminded me of your mother and I when we first started dating"

"what brought this on...." I asked finally gathering my wits

"ha..." he smiled "you will be 21 in this tour... so your mom wanted to ensure that you don't do something wild and crazy abroad"

"oh" I looked away, this was lot worse as I planned to exactly do that.

"book a cab... or you are the one carrying all bags" my dad continued as if not just a minute back we were having the most uncomfortable conversation ever.

"I will carry them" I offered.

"just book the damm cab" he groaned, "my legs are killing me"

I chuckled at his antics; I had the best dad in the world

"thank you" I said, softly picking up all the bags and walking towards the exit

"Just don't rush growing up... "my dad sighed, "Iwant you to be my baby boy for a little bit longer"

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