Chapter 20

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I watched Jimin hugging Tae, I know that they will be okay. 

Jungkook's look at me before walking away, furious, questioning and disappointed, I hit me like a wrecking ball. I wanted to comfort him, I wanted to be comforted by him... but couldn't help this fear .... will he hate me now? will he think am pathetic?

"There you are" I jumped when I opened the door only to find Yoongi sitting on the sofa eating something

"why do you never listen to me" he frowned as he extended the bowl of popcorn, "you should have done this long back"

"I know", I grabbed the bowl, happy for distraction and he handed it over without a word. "I just didn't want to misread him"

"so, you will be harassed instead?" he frowned, picking up some popcorn from my hands

"it was not" I was defending Tae, he was not malicious, he just had a different approach, "he didn't know what he was doing".

Yoongi sighed, "his methods were wrong, no matter the intention... it made you uncomfortable... then it is sexual harassment"

"not fair" I said, "he is just a kid"

"not really" Yoongi smiled softly, "you can't let yourself be taken advantage of"

I knew, but I just didn't have the heart to accept. Tae somehow had concluded that sex might lead to love, well it can in some cases but not me. I blame the movies.

"He is a good kid" I said softly, "I never said he was not" Yoongi agreed "So ... you made it clear" he asked, and I only nodded in response.

"I talk to you for weeks only to be ignored" he smiled, "just one look from your man and you immediately take action"

"er.. It was no.." he cut me in the middle, "don't even bother lying"

I sighed, while Tae was intuitive, Yoongi was observant if he wants to be.

"talk to him, before he jumps to wrong conclusion" Yoongi said casually, 'I don't have time to take care of multiple broken hearts around here"

"Well... what are you waiting for?" he prompted again when I sat there in silence. I snapped, "Just give me a damm minute, will you? Let me collect myself"

Yoongi sighed, "You don't have pretend in front of him.... at least you should not have to"


"JKkk" I knocked on his doors before opening it, only to find him doing pushups. Will he push me away for being so damm weak? Will be angry? Will he even care or respect me?, I froze unable to push away my negative thoughts.

"Hyung", he noticed me after few minutes, stopped and got on his feet, "Why are you standing there?"

Okay, I didn't expect him to be so casual... I followed him and sat on his bed, unsure what to do or say.

"If you are here to give me an earful on how I treated Tae, just know you are late" he wiped his sweat, "Jiminie Hyung beat you to it already and I will apologize to Tae later"

His words, tone and eyes were all soft and same, yet very, very different.

"hmmm" why am I feeling like I am being reprimanded.

"you okay?" he drank water and sat on the bed, but unlike always he didn't snuggle up to me. Instead, he sat on another end with a bright smile.

"I er.. " I swallowed, not sure what to say or how to react to this new persona of his. 

"Huyng..." he looked at me finally... like how he always looks, that simple gesture made tear up. I tried to control but could not hold back my tears, "Hyung..." he rushed to my side "what's wrong?"

"It's okay" he hugged me tight, I could feel him shake... or was it me, I was not sure. He waited, whispering soothing words as he held me, to calm down. After what seemed like a long time, I was finally pull away from him and he wordlessly handed be a towel to wipe my face.

"I am sorry", I was fumbling with the piece of cloth unable to meet his eyes.

"For?", he was distant again, "hmmm... for what huyng?"

I wanted to explain myself, that I was not encouraging Tae... , that I hated every second of it, it started out scripted for camera before it spiraled... I wanted to come clean that I have been saying no, but just didn't want to be harsh toward him... but today I did what needs to be done.

But for some reason, words completely failed me.

" you" I finally managed to croak out the words, looking at the floor.

"You know it is the first time you have openly cried in my arms..." he asked seriously, and I could only nod.

"I don't know what pushed you to tears" he said, taking my hands in his, "but you can never disappoint me Hyung... no matter your choices, I only want you to be happy"

He wiped my tears.

"You can use me anytime, you don't have to shed your tears in secret" he continued, "I know all about those teary nights, when Tae pushes you to your limits, when you read some negative articles... or when you come back after visiting your home or Jisoo"

He knew...all my weakness, he knew them all.

"I will take care of you Hyung" he said, more like promised "I will be there for you as anything you want me to be.... you don't have to carry your baggage alone. Share them with me".

He frowned for a split of a second, before smiling and pulling me closer "Lean on me Hyung"

"Jungkooka" I finally managed to find words.... But he stopped me. "I am here for you"

I nodded my face rubbing against the soft fabric that covered his muscled chest, trying to say Thanks

"Next time speak your mind don't hold back at the fear of hurting someone" he continued, "no matter what you say or do, I will be here. I will prove it to you"

"I don..."

"You are more casual only with Yoongi Hyung", he smiled, "you never depend on any of us to share your burden.... But you can with me"

"You are a ki.."

"Don't you dare call me a kid" he looked annoyed, "I am a grown ass man... I might be younger than you, but that doesn't make me a kid" he spoke loud, not allowing me to say anything.

He took a second to calm himself, he had never taken that tone before with me.

"No matter big or small, I will be here for you" he said, his voice soft again "friend, family... anything you want me to be. Just don't forget it"

He got up, "I am going to wash up now.... don't worry about Tae, I will apologize to him. I promise" with that he walked away leaving me stunned.

I didn't know what he was thinking. I could not understand why he was acting suddenly very matured... I just couldn't figure out the meaning behind his words... he will be my friend? My family?

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