2: The Dynamic Duo

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but anyways, enjoy the story!


"Well, I-...uh, you see-" Y/N flushed as she barely stammered a response. 

Amber sighed as she visibly relaxed. The girl was a mess, one would assume that she couldn't even hurt a fly.

"See, this is why you let me handle this 'let's interrogate the traveler!' thing!" She crossed her arms. "I'm the outrider here, y'know? Don't you have some other knightly duties to get going too?"

Kaeya withdrew his sword, the blade sliding against the metal sheathing with a 'shhh'.

"Oh? Is there a problem I wasn't aware of?" he snickered.

"Yes!" Amber scoffed, "Jean's been bugging me for days! Why haven't you completed a single assignment since Aether returned from Dragonspine?" 

Amber grabbed Y/N's arm and yanked her off the ground. She stumbled up on her feet, taken aback by the sudden gesture.

"Sir, with all due respect," Amber narrowed her eyes. "As the Cavalry Captain of the Knights of Favonius, perhaps you should focus on your duties instead of scaring away travelers in your spare time!"

Y/N gawked as the two bickered. She had to gulp down the urge to grab one of their shoulders, just to feel a solid person under the fabric of their clothes.

"You can see me?" Y/N was dazed. Amber and Kaeya shifted both of their gazes onto her with eyebrows creased, she immediately regretted opening her mouth.

Amber giggled. "You must've hit your head hard. Of course we can see you!" She held out her hand for the new traveler to shake. "My name is Amber, Outrider of the Knights of Favonius. This is Kaeya, he's our Cavalry Captain."

Y/N fidgeted with her spare hand as she shook Amber's. "I'm Y/N. G-good to meet you..."

Kaeya winced as the Outrider gleefully welcomed the stranger to Mondstat, not seeming to consider the risks of inviting a foreigner into the city. Then again, this girl seemed far from a threat. It was safer to keep a solid eye on her, Kaeya decided.

He cleared his throat. "I'm curious, traveler: where did you come from?"

"Well...uh..." she murmured. "I don't think I'm...from here?"

"Well, that certainly explains your clothes." Kaeya scorned.

"Wha- excuse me? I don't-"

"Anyways!" Amber waved her hands out in front, desperate to change the course of the conversation. "Let's go back to city now, shall we? Follow us, traveler."


Y/N walked along the path with Amber and Kaeya, the cool wind gently sweeping her hair. The breeze was different here in Teyvat, it seemed to carry scents of caves, wood, and tangs of floral.

"We're here!" Amber said excitedly.

The guards let the trio through the front gates, what awaited Y/N on the other side was truly astounding.

It was just like in the game; cobblestone paths, wooden roofs decorated with plants, a welcoming, homey atmosphere all-around. Y/N could smell the sticky honey roast, oozing a savoury scent as she walked past the Good Hunter. She could hear the merchants and customers bargaining over the price of fruit in lively conversation, with lines that weren't generated from a computer. She saw Timmaeus by the alchemy store, the receptionist at the Adventurer's Guild, even that poor guy who picked coins out of the city fountain!

Y/N smiled.

"Someone seems excited."  Kaeya teased.

Y/N was too busy admiring the city to care.

"Almost there, Y/N!" Amber jumped.

"We're gonna have to climb these flights of stairs to get to the Mondstat Cathedral, where we'll introduce you to our Grand Master, Jean. I sure hope you have good stamina!"


The doors shut with a bang behind the newcomer, but she was too busy admiring the glistening interior. There were intricate designs carved into the glass windows, and a blooming chandelier hanging overtop. Glossy, white pillars supported the building as light spilled into the glassy room.

Jean, Lisa, and Barbara were conversing in the balcony with stern looks on their faces. Jean rested her hand on her chin, listening intently to what the other two had to say. From this distance, Y/N could only make out parts of their conversation.

"...Snezhnaya...the Fatui...livestock..."

As Y/N listened in, she could feel Kaeya's gaze burning lazers onto her back. With the little information this traveler provided, he wanted to keep an eye on Y/N for the time being. That is, until he could be sure to eliminate the possibility of threat.

"Jean! We're back!" Amber called out.

Jean immediately looked over and smiled warmly.

"Welcome back, Amber and Kaeya." she greeted.

"And who might your friend be?"

Amber put her arm over Y/N's shoulder and pulled her in.

"A new traveler from another world! We saved her from a bunch of hilichurls, she seems to have no memory of where she came from or how to get back."

"N-nice to meet you, ma'am." Y/N stammered while Amber held her neck in armlock.

"No need to be so formal." Jean smiled.

"As the Acting Grand Master, I would like to formally welcome you to Mondstat! Please, enjoy what the City of Wind has to offer."

"T-thank you, ma'am." Y/N choked out. "Amber, c-could you please let go of me?"

"Whoops, sorry!" Amber smiled sheepishly as she finally released the newcomer.

Y/N immediately gasped for air.

Jean cleared her throat. "Now, I would love to introduce myself and the others in further detail, but I'm afraid the Knights are in a difficult position at the moment." She frowned. "Kaeya, Amber, I would like you two to guide our traveler around Mondstat for today."

"Well, actually, we were wondering if you knew where Aether was?" Amber asked.

"Ah, he's in Liyue Harbour right now, visiting his friends. He'll be back tomorrow." Jean smiled before turning back to face Y/N. "Now then, traveler, enjoy your stay in Mondstat. Please, do not hesitate to contact the Knights if needed!"

"Thank you, ma'am." Y/N bowed.


Amber, Kaeya, and Y/N exited the cathedral.

"Well, I guess I'm off. See you guys around." Kaeya waved as he began to walk away.

"Hey, wait!" Amber marched towards him with her fists clenched at her sides.

"Jean said that it was both our responsibilities to lead Y/N to Mondstat! You can't disobey her orders!" she scolded.

Kaeya audibly sighed.

"I would love to spend more time with you two, but I'm afraid I also have other matters to attend to." He flashed an insincere grin. "That is, unless you can't handle this job yourself, Outrider."

"Tch." Amber rolled her eyes.

"Of course I can do it alone! Now shoo! Me and Y/N are gonna have some fun now!",

Kaeya smiled as the brunette was, quite literally, shooing him away.

"Have fun then!" He saluted as he left the girls alone.

Amber turned around to face Y/N, her brown eyes sparkling as she held the other girl's hands.

"Now then, let's go get you some cooler clothes!"

Y/N's face immediately lit up.

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