17: Let the Wind Tell You

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"You're from Earth, aren't you?"

Venti's words sent shivers down Y/N's core. Her gaze flickered from the bard to the ground, the latter only waited patiently for her answer.

"...How do you know about earth?"

Venti chuckled, "I've been around for thousands of years, Y/N." he began, "I'm bound to know more things than you give me credit for."

The traveler's breath hitched as she exhaled, fidgeting with her fingers to ease her alarm. Venti's gentle voice could only ring in her ears, his knowledge of her origin only made the situation increasingly complicated.

"That explains how you manage to act so bold, you must still think of our world as merely a game." Venti murmured. "Though that is understandable, but I must admit how awkward it makes me feel. Me? A video game character? They'd better have made me the most powerful one!"

Y/N stiffened despite the bard's playful tone. No matter how casual Venti made his approach, the girl couldn't bring herself to match his lighthearted attitude. This situation spelled out 'doom', a flurry of possible outcomes forced themselves into Y/N's head.

"How did you find out?" she managed to sputter.

The latter gave a reassuring smile, "Let's walk as I explain. There's somewhere I want to show you."


"Hey, watch out!"

A sparky young boy raced past Venti, tripping over his feet with a harsh landing on the stone ground. Mondstat was holding it's annual Ludi Harpastum festival; the streets were crowded with civilians, their bright chatter almost managing to drown out the performing orchestral band. Colorful banners decorated the streets; sweet and savory scents spreading throughout the lively crowd. A diverse selection of food stalls were being presented, as well as carnival games, contests, and biddings.

"Are you alright?" Venti asked the stranger, offering him a hand. The boy winced in pain as he heaved himself up with Venti's help, stumbling as he stood. "Don't run around in such a crowded place! You'll get hurt!" the bard scolded.

"Ahaha...you're right. My apologies." the boy ruffled his dark hair as he brushed the dust off his shirt. "My name's Alo, you're that Anemo archon, right?"

"Shhhh!" Venti panicked, slapping his hand across the boy's mouth. He was startled with this stranger's unforeseen knowledge of his identity, a clustered array of questions clouding his mind. However, this conversation could not continue here, not with so many civilians present.

"Come with me." Venti dragged the boy with him outside the city walls.


They wandered far away from the city, enough so that Mondstat was but a mere dot along the horizon. Venti lead the boy under the shade of a grand oak tree, they sat on its roughly textured roots, listening as the delicate wind rustled the abundance of leaves hanging above them. The boy took his time admiring the vivid, orange blossoms flourishing amongst a grass canvas, observing as a strikingly blue butterfly perched themself on a fragile petal. 

"This is a beautiful place, Venti." the boy smiled.

"I'm glad," he responded, "But we're not here to have a friendly picnic. I'll get straight to the point, how do you know who I am?"

Alo stared into Venti's emerald orbs, his unfaltering eye contact immediately unsettling the latter. 

"I'm from Earth." the boy stated matter-of-factly. "In my world, you're a playable character in a game called Genshin Impact. Man, I spent so much money wishing for you on your event banner, you know? Why couldn't you come home?" Alo's quite voice turned into a groan.

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