20: Sweet Flowers

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this chapter is...interesting


Y/N's eyes were swollen and inflated from the previous night - rubbing them to wake herself up only made the stinging worse. Her throat felt dry as the air she breathed scratched against her lungs. She coughed at the burning sensation, her voice hoarse from screaming and crying. 

Sighing, the traveler hurled herself off the mattress and onto the wooden floor; heaving, stumbling down the staircase, like she had a hangover with no alcohol.

Diluc was already gone, Y/N realized that when she reached the tavern's first floor. She stared a the familiar setting, last night's scenes replaying in her head: the shouting, the sobbing, the splattering of wine, the shattering of glass. Except, all that lingered behind from the fallout was the tangy scent of alcohol; the red stains had already been washed clean, the shards of glimmering glass nowhere to be seen. Y/N looked over to see the blanket she had given to Diluc, neatly folded on the bar's countertop with a note: 

"Good morning.

Apologies for leaving so abruptly in the morning, something came up at the Dawn Winery. There's some grape juice and biscuits in the back-counter if you're hungry and in a rush.

Take care. 

- Diluc"

His name was signed at the bottom in swirly, inky strokes. Y/N chuckled at his letter, folding the paper and slipping it into the silky confines of her left pocket. That lighthearted note meant more to her than the writer intended, it warmed her subconscious from the cold of waking up in solitude.

Solitude; Y/N had been basking in it for a while now. Her permanent state was starting to cloud her mind.

But Liyue was a bustling city with a joyous atmosphere, and Xiangling was the most aggressively welcoming person she knew.

And so, Y/N set off - without Aether this time - to the harbor she longed to admire once again. Instead of for leisure, she hiked with the intent of bringing back knowledge; knowledge that would help Mondstat prepare for the storm that lied ahead.


After almost two full days on the trail, Y/N finally arrived at Liyue's entrance. The guards bowed in welcome, to which the girl nodded with a smile. Not far behind her, was a group of children flying intricately designed kites in the blue sky. Their feet tapped against the ground as they ran; greens, reds, yellows, and blues fluttered against the wind in the brilliant daylight, following the children as they chased and danced beneath the tessellating clouds.

On the bridge, stood a couple as they gazed towards the ocean; towards the ships, the golden statues shimmering in the water, and the city dock filled with scurrying workers and their chatter. They held each other close, leaning on the railing, listening as the rhythmic ocean waves came crashing against the land. Y/N gawked at the two as she walked by.

A new food stand was put up right beside the stall that sold antiques. The rosewood cart was decorated with gold and red lanterns that jingled in the wind, a crowd of people gathered around to watch as the cook performed his craft.

As Y/N moved closer, she heard the pleasant sizzling of oil against a hot pan, followed by a light, fragrant scent that reminded her of spring vegetables.

"Mommy! Can we get one of the fried radish balls?" a boy begged to his mother in the crowd.

So, that's what they're called. Y/N decided to order one for herself.


Y/N munched as she took her time strolling towards the Wangmin Restaurant. The crispy, delicate balls of savory sweetness tingled against her tongue as she hummed in satisfaction.

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