26: The Plan (II)

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bro there's a lot of foreshadowing here

also i rewrote the first and second chapters (because i re-read them and they sucked) and i'll rewrite the third one and maybe fourth so maybe check back and re-read too if you want lolz wink wink.


"Man, I haven't been here in ages!" Venti sighed as he stretched his arms up to touch the sky, before relaxing his shoulders and shivering with excitement.

The bard had accompanied Y/N in yet, another journey to Liyue Harbour. They stood by the Geo Statue that loomed over the dazzling city painted in festive reds, yellows, and greens. Gulls squawked as they glided through the air and onto the dock. Venti whiffled as a warm, sea breeze fluttered into his eyes. Y/N smiled at his gaze that glimmered under the sunlight: he was so entranced by the harbor view that it reminded the traveler of a kid at the candy store.

"I can't believe it." Venti was bewildered. "Just how did Liyue transform into this? There are so many people! Is that a boat with a dragon design?"

Y/N chuckled, "Is that what you've set your eyes on? The first things I saw when I got here are those golden bird statues holding up ribbons. Extra, I know."

The heels of their shoes clacked in a resounding rhythm against the stone path. As they walked closer to the city, the symphony of restless chatter and waves crashing onto the dock grew louder as well. Venti gawked as they crossed the bridge, just barely processing the vast array of stalls and architecture, not to mention a bustling population.

He looked over at a food stall that caught his eye.

"Heya, Y/N?" He tugged at the fabric on the girl's shoulder. She turned around upon hearing her name, shifting her gaze into the direction in which Venti was pointing. It was the same food stall she had purchased Fried Radish-balls from during her second visit to Liyue, and she remember it well: mini-red lanterns strung up on a peachy wooden cart, the sound of dough frying in oil enticing the crowd.

But alas, Y/N turned away.

She sighed. "We're not here to have fun." 

The girl grabbed at Venti's hands, dragging him along as she walked the other direction.

"We have a job to do, remember?"

Yes, they weren't visiting for a peaceful excursion to eat local food and view tourist areas (though that was what they told Jean and the rest of the Knights). They were here to carry out their part of The Plan; Venti was the one to come up with this terribly uncreative, but fitting name. 

Venti yanked his arm out of Y/N's grasped. She paused, before whipping her head around and boggling her eyes at his snarky move.

He had a cheeky smile plastered over his face, Y/N knew he was up to no good.

"How about this, traveler?" he snickered. "I haven't been out of Mondstat in ages, and you have a decent amount of knowledge and experience with the new Liyuean surroundings! So why don't you let an Archon get a little break, hm?"

Y/N sneered at his audacious request. "Since when are you not on break? We have a job to do- wait!"

The bard had already began running away before she could finish her sentence. Y/N scoffed,  shaking her head. Venti had left all the work to her, while he headed off to stuff his face.

"Stupid snitch." She rolled her eyes.


"Yes, ma'am. We've received you're signed reports, but the documents hold no meaning if you haven't actually paid the bill."

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