30: Backfire

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The moon was hung up in the dark sky, illuminated by only gentle starlight and oil lamps in the city. Though the streets of Mondstat had already gone to rest, the Knights of Favonius HQ was still as alive with movement as it was during the day.

Y/N greeted the two guards, who nodded in response as their faces stretched into wide-mouth'd yawns. As she stepped into the building, the clacks of her boots echoed against the glossy, white walls. The hall was eerily empty, and yet, there was continuous chatter lingering from a certain room. 

She knocked on the oak doors of Jean's office - gently, as not to startle the Acting Grand Master.

A heavy sigh escaped from the other side. "Come in."

The hinges opened with a slow 'creak' as the candle-lit room was revealed. Jean sat tiredly at her desk, her forehead rested on her palms as streaks of blonde hair fell into a lazy frame across her cheeks. Standing off directly to the side of her was Diluc: his arms were crossed as he peeked at the documents scattered across the wooden table.

Y/N's breath hitched at a familiar sword-wielder sitting in the seat across, his fairy companion floating at his side. He turned his head towards the opening door, his eyes immediately widening upon seeing the girl, peering at the entrance.

Y/N's heart dropped to the pit of her stomach. What was Aether doing here?

"Good, Y/N, you're back." Jean muttered. "I was just about to request for you to come visit me, but it seems there won't be any need for that."

She signaled for Y/N to come sit beside Aether. Y/N swallowed hard. She took slow, hesitant steps into the room. Her own racing heartbeat pounded against her chest, and it became the only sound she could hear - or bear to listen too.

The chair scratched against the wooden floor with a 'screech' as Y/N took a seat. The silence was too much to handle: Jean's cold, inert look; Diluc's gaze forever glued to the documents spread in front of him; and Aether, who hadn't spared Y/N a glance since she'd entered the room. There was an invisible force repelling the two from each other, even as they sat two feet apart. It tingled their necks, and they both subconsciously leaned away.

"We got a letter from the Liyue Qixing." 

Jean's voice - though low and gentle - rang like a broken microphone in Y/N's ears. "It's an apology letter, Y/N. Do you want me to read it out loud to you?"

Y/N tensed as the Grand Master shuffled around with the papers sitting on her desk. She picked up a single, fateful one, and scanned it thoroughly as if it were her first time reading the contents.

"We apologize greatly - on behalf of all nations present in Teyvat - for the dire situation in which Mondstat is suffering. The Ordo Favonius are respectable allies, and we offer you our greatest support in overcoming this conflict with the Fatui of Shnezhnaya.

However, it is with great regret that we cannot allow ourselves to support you with national aide. We firmly believe that Mondstat will not surrender, and we wish you the best of luck during these turbulent times.'"

Jean raised her eyebrows in disbelief. "I don't recall making any requests of such sort." 

She lowered the paper as a heavy breath escaped through her nostrils. "From prior knowledge, I believe that you and the bard were our only representatives in Liyue during the past week. Am I correct?"

"...Yes, ma'am." Y/N whispered as she gripped the fabric on her lap.

"So then, I assume that you must already be aware of this incident, correct?"

"...Yes, ma'am."

Jean sighed and shook her head dismally. "I must say, I'm feeling more than a little bit betrayed." 

She chuckled slightly, as if the whole situation was a joke she didn't want to believe. "Never in my years of service has someone used our name with such fraudulency and shamefulness. I never could've imagined that this 'someone' would be you, Y/N."

With every word Jean spoke, Y/N loosened her grip on the tears stinging her eyes. Her breath became raspy and loud against her lungs, and all Aether did was shuffle in his seat beside her.

Did he tell them about the plan? No, that couldn't be it.

It was Y/N's mistake. She hadn't told Ganyu that the requested alliance would serve her as an individual, and that the Knights were completely unaware of her actions. The secretary must've been overwhelmed with guilt, so much that she took the matter into her own hands tried convincing the Qixing to accept a demand she had declined herself.

"Y/N, I understand that you want to help. For that, I thank you." 

 "But honestly, do you have any idea how much damage something like this could cause? I've already issued for Aether to deliver a formal apology to Lady Ningguang, but I can't say for certain that it would be enough for Mondstat to rebound from such an audacious request."

Jean was looking Y/N straight in the eyes now. The traveler desperately tried to gulp down the burning, aching sensation swelling up in her chest. 

What if she cried? Or lost control of her emotions again? She couldn't. Not in front of the Grand Master.

Heaps of agony were condensed into short huffs and breaths, but Y/N didn't know how much longer she could contain them before they burst.

"I'm quite disappointed in you, Y/N."

And just like that, her heart shattered into bits and pieces.

Please, no.

"Do you have anything to say for yourself."

Stop it. Please.

Not here. Not now.

"I'm sorry. I need a moment." she managed to murmur as she rushed out the door. The traveler didn't even care to notice a wandering brunette as she stomped out the doorway. 

"Woah! Y/N!" Amber stumbled back as the girl stormed right past. 

 "What happened? Jean? Aether?" she peered into the office.

"Oh, Amber. You're here." Jean sighed. "Come in. I'm afraid you've decided to show at a rather tense time."

The Outrider wandered into the room, still frowning in confusion. Aether was awfully silent as well. It was strange: she couldn't tell how either of them were feeling.

Diluc sighed. "I'll be back." he muttered, walking across the room.

Amber raised an eyebrow. "Where are you going?" 

He pushed open the wooden door and took a small breath.

"I'm going to check on Y/N."




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