4: Day 2

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THANK YOU GUYS SOOOOO MUCH FOR 1.2K READS !!! i wasn't expect this book to do as well as it is and i'm really happy that you guys are enjoying it!

but anyway heres the chapter haha


Y/N awoke to an ache in her back and sunlight blinding her eyes. Groaning in annoyance, she rubbed her eyes and forced them open with her fingers.

"Where am I?"

Above Y/N was a plain, wooden roof. She sat up to find that she had been sleeping on a pile of thick sheets, stacked up on the hard floor to form a makeshift mattress. A hat was put under her head as a pillow, and a brown jacket covering her like a blanket. Beside her "bed" sat a generous glass of water, as well as the headpiece she had purchased with Amber.

Suddenly, Y/N remembered.

She was in Teyvat, having a drink with Amber and Diluc, and then she...fell asleep?

Which meant that she was currently at the Angel's Share.

Y/N silently cursed herself for being an embarrassment.

"What a great way to start the day."


Y/N walked downstairs to be met with a very groggy Diluc. He sat by the bar where he occasionally worked, sipping a bottle of dandelion wine with  evident dark circles under his amber eyes.

"Ah, you're awake.", he mumbled, eyes glued on the newspaper he held up in front of him.

"What's this? Alcohol on a fine, Tuesday morning?", Y/N yawned.

Diluc ignored the traveler's humorous remark, taking a long sip out of his drink.

"How was your sleep?"

"Terrible. The floor was terrible on my back." Y/N said, taking a seat beside the redhead.

"But never mind that, you look like you haven't slept at all."

Diluc sighed, finally putting down his newspaper to see Y/N looking up at him, concern visible on her face.

"All the executives of the Knights of Favonius, including Amber, were called to an emergency meeting by Jean." Diluc uttered quietly. "Amber had me babysit you since you fell asleep."

Y/N gave him a small smile.

"Citizens were not permitted to leave the city that night, so I wasn't able to go back to the winery. One can only sleep so much when seated on a chair.", he responded with his wine bottle in hand.

Y/N's eyes widened as she sat silent in shock.

"So you're telling me, you made yourself sleep in a chair just so I could-"

"Please, don't make it a bigger deal than it is." Diluc interrupted.

He picked up his newspaper and began to scan it's pages again.

"By the way, Amber said to meet her at the front gates when you're ready. Now are you going to get going? Or are you planning on continuing with this idle chatter?"

Y/N smiled, genuinely this time.

"Don't worry, I won't bother you any longer." Y/N said as she stood up from her chair.

"Well, bye then. Don't drink too much!"

Diluc watched as the H/C-haired girl left the tavern.


"Y/N! Over here!" a cheery voice called out to the traveller.

"Good morning, Amber." Y/N greeted.

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