14: The Meeting

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don't get too attached to any characters, i'm gonna kill one of them off.


"We're home!"

After an eventful expedition to the prosperous city of Liyue Harbour, the travelers had finally made their return to Mondstat. The sky seemed especially brighter today, with the distant sound of birdsong and a gentle breeze fluttering Y/N's hair, she gazed at the rustic, stone gates; it was as if it was her first time seeing it's beauty all over again, floating admist the water, standing boldly in a spotlight of sun. Liyue was a dream, but ultimately, their heart's lied within Mondstat.

The group crossed the bridge, excitement bubbling in Y/N's core as she skipped into the city. Aether and Paimon trailed behind, a similar sensation building in their hearts. 

They barely stepped foot within the walls, when they were immediately met by Jean, who seemed to be waiting by the gates, just to greet them. Despite the otherwise warm, cozy atmosphere of the city buzzing with cheer, Jean seemed incredibly stern, marching over to the travelers with her shoulders tense and her eyes narrowed.

Well, this certainly wasn't the welcome Y/N was expecting.

"Aether," she began. "You must come with me at once. There are important matters we must discuss. The others are waiting."

The Acting Grand Master's tone was terrifyingly urgent, something neither Aether, Y/N, or Paimon were used too. Aether gulped when faced with her solemnity, his nervousness then turning to fear as he realized what Jean was meaning to discuss.

"Ah, yes of course! Let's head over right away."

Paimon's eyes widened as she audibly gasped. "Oh no, Aether! Does this mean that -"

The pixie was interrupted by the hissing blonde slapping his hand across her mouth.

"Paimon, we're in public." he glowered.

Paimon violently nodded as she rushed over to follow Jean, who was already on her way towards the HQ."

Aether turned towards Y/N with a regrettable smile. "I'm sorry Y/N, but I'll have to leave you by yourself for now."

He then raced off to catch up with Paimon and Jean, leaving a confused Y/N standing idly by herself.

It was happening again; the secrets, the hiding, the lying; Y/N was sick of it. Nobody telling her what was going on, nobody letting her in on anything. She was completely in the dark. 

If Mondstat was in danger, shouldn't she be worthy enough to know? Especially since her appearance may have had something to do with it.

The girl silently cursed herself as she stomped her foot on the ground, brutally kicking a rock towards the other side of the stone street. 

"No more waiting," she declared. "I want answers."


Y/N snuck behind Jean, Aether, and Paimon as they entered the Knights of Favonius Headquarters. She was well hidden behind a stone pillar, but ultimately, she was stuck in place. The building was crowded with guards; by the gate, by the windows, all around the walls. The excessive increase in security only added to Y/N's anxiousness. Whatever they were meeting to discuss, it must've been a serious concern.

Y/N snickered. Luckily, the traveler knew a perfect way into the office.

"Through the vents, it is."


The air vents were clogged one day when Lisa and Y/N were studying in the library. They nearly passed-out from the heat while reading their books, sweating in dizziness, unable to move without being overwhelmed from warmth. Growing impatient and unable to contain their exhaustion, the two decided to take a look at the cooling system themselves instead of waiting for the repair team. Unexpectedly, they encountered a pyro slime caught in the vents. It blinked at them as they peeked their heads into the metal opening; they threw a fit of laughter in response, they now realized the cause of the ridiculously high temperature. 

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