23: Side Character

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"Heyo, Y/N! You're back!"

Back in Mondstat, back to the City of Wind; back to the dandelions and calla lilies, the plains of grass and stone walls. The change in landscape from Liyue to Mondstat flowed like a short film of sceneries.

Y/N took a deep breath, sweet air filling her lungs. It seems that the devices had still not gone into effect, for a crowd of boars fed on grass near a tree, and a flock of wild birds drinking by a pool.

Venti waved at Y/N from atop a tall rock. He hopped down, his landing muffled by the soft ground and the grass that cloaked like a blanket over the earth. The bard smiled, his light emerald eyes glimmering in the vast rays of sunlight.  (did you catch that parallel?)

Y/N chuckled as he waddled towards her.

"Are you here to welcome me?" she smiled.

She caught a whiff of alcohol as he stumbled by.

"Ugh, Venti!" Y/N gagged, pinching her nose. "How much did you drink last night?"

Venti's eyelids flickered as he leaned on to Y/N's shoulder. 

"Not last night, but in the morning." he giggled, shooting finger guns towards the traveler as she winced at his intoxicated scent.

"Okay, yeah whatever. Let's go back." she rolled her eyes.


"Welcome back, Y/N!"

Amber skipped towards the girl as she wandered past the city gates, but the outrider wasn't the only one present. Flocks of adventurers heaved loads of fowl and raw meat along the stone paths. Wooden carriages decorated the city, carrying barrels of salt, sugars, herbs, and spices; their many eccentric, rusty scents blurred into a single, turbulent one. The streets were crowded with pedestrians, laughing, cheering, patting each other on the back. They celebrated each hunt that was brought back, crowding around to boggle their eyes at the newest catches.

"W-why are there so many people?" Y/N exclaimed as her eyes widened at the crowd.

"We're having a hunting competition!" Venti's words were slurred, "Whoever catches the most meat get's free wine for a whole year!"

"See it as preparation for the coming storm, a group effort!" Amber said, clapping her hands together with a blooming smile. She leaned in slightly and cupped her mouth as if to tell Y/N a secret.

 "They don't know about the devices yet, but they will soon." she winked.

Y/N gave an awkward 'hah...' and nodded. 

Venti giggled, tripping over his feet as he stumbled forwards and heaved himself onto Amber's shoulder. The outrider didn't flinch or glare, she simply mouthed an 'oh' as the bard crumpled onto the ground - right there and then, in the middle of the street - and fell into a deep slumber.

Amber and Y/N shared a surprised glance before bursting into laughter.

"D-did he just fall asleep?" Y/N heaved between cackles.

"Pffft!" Amber cackled as Venti snored on the cobblestone path. Their laughter only became louder as pedestrians - unaware of the sleeping bard - tripped over his unconscious body, stepping on his clothes, muttering 'whoops!' and apologies as they passed.

"Alright, alright," Amber wheezed, regaining her breath. "I'll take care of this drunkard over here. Aether's out on hunting duty, but you should go check on Kaeya! He's at the HQ."

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