27: The Plan (III)

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i've decided we all need a break from y/n so here's a lil' chapter without her


Ganyu awoke in a light, spring meadow. The sky had started fading into a gentle shade of blush pink, it illuminated the grassy field with a soft, golden radiance. It was unfortunate that she couldn't enjoy the view: as soon as Ganyu opened her eyes, a shrill, ringing sound echoed in her ears. A pounding drumroll banged in her head, as if she was hungover from a night of heavy drinking.

"You're awake."

A figure was sitting next to her, his eyes staring away at the forest, focusing on nothing in particular.

"Xiao?" Ganyu muttered, pushing herself up with a trembling arm. Her other hand grasped at her light, blue hair.

"Hey, hey." Xiao rushed to stop her. "Don't move to fast. Stay put."

She agreed, rolling around to lay her head looking up at the sky tinted with rose.

"I gave you some medicine, it should help ease the pain." Xiao muttered, clenching at fistfuls of grass. "That was quite a punch she threw. I'm surprised, honestly. She's stronger than I anticipated."

Ganyu stayed silent, her breaths rasping against the walls of her dry throat. Xiao saw everything - not that she was surprised. He always saw everything - in Liyue, at least - whether it was a good thing or not.

She gulped down her own saliva, the memories of Y/N rushing back in a blur. Ganyu quivered at the thought, her heart panged with guilt and dread. Yet, there was something serene about laying here on the sound, cushioning earth cradling her limbs - even after events that tore at her heart. Especially with someone whom she could share the burden with.

If you lay on the grass, you can feel the heartbeat of the world, she'd say.

It hadn't occurred to Ganyu that Y/N actually hurt her until she had already lost consciousness. She couldn't understand why: it was unlike the traveler to lash out so easily. Why couldn't Y/N understand? Ganyu couldn't have allowed such an alliance, not with all of Liyue on the line.

Y/N must've been heaving a heavy weight on her shoulders for her to crack under pressure. And Ganyu had rejected carrying out an alliance that would've taken most - if not all - of that weight off.

Was it Ganyu's fault?

"Did I do the right thing?"

Xiao flinched at her sudden question. Her voice was so quiet - softer than a whisper - that one could've missed it amongst the faint birdsong if they didn't pay attention.

"Declining her offer. Was it the right thing to do?"

He took a deep breath. "I don't know," he replied honestly, "You did something I would've done. I'll leave you to ponder with that."

Ganyu chuckled. "So yes, then." she murmured. "I did do the right thing."

Xiao just continued plucking on grass.


Back in Mondstat, Aether and Paimon snuck through the Whispering Woods. Dawn had already painted it's streaks in the sky, the sun was a mere few inches away from being doused by darkness. They carried a small lantern, for night would have fallen by the time they treaded back to the city. Aether took long, confident strides along the forest paths. Yet, his jaw clenched with hesitation.

He couldn't help but think: this isn't what the Knights would've wanted.

But Aether went. He went because internally, he knew this was - not the right thing to do, but something he needed to carry out to ensure the safety of those he loved.

A stubby, floating creature emerged from behind a large rock, their body encased in a glowing, aqua globe.

They snickered with their gruff, scratchy voice. It sounded as if they were laughing through a radio microphone.

"Alas, you have arrived." they giggled. "I'm surprised such a renowned traveler like one yourself would want to meet with members of the Abyss!"

Aether narrowed his eyes, Paimon shivered and hid behind his shoulder.

"Are you sure about what you're doing? Paimon's got a bad feeling about this..." Her voice quivered as she whispered into Aether's ear.

The blonde nodded and took a deep breath. "I'm hoping we can set aside our differences for now." He plastered the most genuine smile he could in such a situation. It seemed to have worked, for the Abyss Mage stayed silent, listening intently.

"We want to form an alliance." Aether continued. "There's a high possibility that Mondstat will have to fight against the Fatui with the current political tensions."

The Abyss Mage sneered in disbelief, "What makes you think we would want to help humans? It would serve us as amusement to see your kind suffer!"

Aether flinched, but he stood tall. This was bound to happen, but he had come prepared.

He cleared his throat. "I do agree. Having us tear each other apart must spare you a bit of work, no?"

"Quite." The Abyss Mage chuckled.

"But if you don't help us now, your enemy will only become stronger."

The Abyss Mage paused.

Good. Aether had their attention.

"We both know how strong the Tsaritsa is, judging by her control over Shnezhnaya alone. Say she seizes control over Mondstat, then Liyue, then possibly all of Teyvat. How will you manage to defeat her then? Do you even have the power to defeat her right now? You'll never stand a chance."

Paimon peeked out from Aether's shoulder.

It's working!  she thought. Aether's doing it! Y/N's plan might actually work!

"Be truthful," he continued, "Two opposing forces of evil cannot coexist. It's either the Abyss, or the Fatui. Would you really be willing to let them get so far ahead?"

Aether's flurry of word vomit came to a halt. He took a deep breath, easing the repetitive pants that were forced out his lungs. Persuasion took work - a lot more than he had thought.

Hopefully, it would've been worth it. 

Paimon gulped as the Abyss Mage stood silent, staying perfectly still as if they were contemplating the greatest decision they'd have made in their life. There was an eerie silence as Aether's heart pulsed in anticipation, the quiet seemed to have lasted a millennium.

All of a sudden, the tension broke. The Abyss Mage burst into laughter.

"Please! That is the funniest thing I've ever heard from a Knight!" they choked out between fits of whoops and hollers. "No! Stop! You're killing me!"

The Abyss mage kicked and howled inside their icy shield. A slither of dread crawled up Aether's spine, reaching up his neck and into his heart.

"Haha! Look at your face!" they continued cackling. "What a ridiculous request! Go! Go fight with the Tsaritsa! As if we would be there to help you!"

Aether chewed at the insides of his cheeks. He dug his fingernails into his palms as a shudder of panic stretched his heart into a thin line.

His part of The Plan hadn't succeeded.

He could only hope that Y/N's did.



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