50: Bad Rep

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hey guysss im stll rlly busy but i managed to whip this up its honestly kinda filler but i cant have dramatic events happening every update yk what i mean hope you enjoy thank you for supporting me with my inconsistent updating it means so much that you guys are willing to wait for my chapter updates ily <33333




The road to Y/N's unknown destination was bleak and somber. Her joints had been tightly tied with ropes so tough, it tore at her skin just to wiggle her wrists. Her abductors had thrown her onto a painfully hard surface, definitely of a boat judging by the constant swaying motion and the rapid splashing of water above Y/N's head.

The waves were mercilessly rough; Y/N's ribcage ached with every bumping motion. It was more infuriating that she knew her kidnappers were on the ship with her. She could hear their low chatters, muffled by the engine whirrs, and yet, could make no effort of confrontation. 

"Now?" a male voice exclaimed, breaking the stillness. He was sharply cut off by a loud clack of the tongue.

What followed sounded like slap to the arm, a tiny yelp of pain, and the words "I make the calls here."

Y/N felt the wooden deck creak. The stranger was stepping towards her.

"It's not every day we have a visitor here with us," the voice muttered through a subtle smirk. The blindfold was yanked off Y/N's head. She stared up to see a pale-haired female draped in crimson and black, looming over her like a threatening shadow. The gentle moonlight made the sharp edges of her crown glint like knives.

La Signora...

Along to the side stood a familiar figure, their arms crossed and body leaning over the borders of the shallow boat. The ship was a humble size - just big enough to fit Y/N, her abductors, and another unknown figure who had their gaze fixated on the steering wheel. And so, Y/N recognized her second kidnapper immediately.

Childe! she wanted to scream, but the muzzle-like cloth that strained the edges of her lips simply wouldn't allow for that.

For now, her enraged glare was enough to send the message. Childe just stared back blankly in response.

"Calm yourself, little girl. You're not a dog that needs to be tamed," spat the lady, her voice laced with contempt. "That muffle is staying on for now. Archons know what raging fit you'd throw had you gotten even a second's chance to speak."

Y/N just narrowed her eyes, as if it would help them dig daggers into Signora's skin.

"You're not here to be tortured," she whispered, lowering herself to eye level with Y/N. Despite the girl's threatening, unfaltering glare, Signora seemed unfazed.

"Y/N, huh? That was quite a show you put on that night."  Despite the girl's threatening, unfaltering glare, Signora seemed unfazed. 

"Tell me, did your comrade really stab you? Was that actually part of the plan? Or was it all just some sickeningly realistic show?"

She grinned. "My, I do wonder what your red-haired friend thought of such events. But that's a topic for another day."

"Listen, Y/N," Childe cut in. "It's not what it looks like. You're not here to be harmed. In fact, we plan to treat you kindly. You'll be given a nice room, nice meals, training with the best fighters we have around. I know it's hard to believe given the restraints you're in but it's only because-"

"Because my colleague Childe here has warned us of your possible attitude problems," Signora grinned. "Tell me, is that true?"

She yanked Y/N's chin. 

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