Socks.... Blackmail.... Valentines Dance?

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Monday, February 2nd is my cousin's birthday. Last night I stayed up to make chocolate covered strawberry. I made like 15 and gave four as an early birthday present and then my other cousin came and ate like almost all of it. Today I gave like 3 more strawberries to her and that was it. No more strawberries. No more chocolates... But the day went by fine and really fast. I was a bit mad but it was alright until 7th period... again!

Let's start with first period though... I probably left out the part where my cousin texted Tryston at night when he said not to.... I was pretty nervous if he was going to yell at me for that... haha. He knew about the call that VY made. He thought it was me and kind of yelled at me of it. On the way to second period, we talked about why I flipped the "early bird" to a guy in third grade... I didn't know why either

Third period was where it truly all begins though. Tryston had just came back from P.E. and brought his socks with him... Don't ask me why. He also had a black sack of 12 quarters and 2 dices. He started asking people if they wanted to play "craps". When I told him to sit down, he wacked me with his socks, like EW! It freaking touched my face and my precious lips! That damn boy... I got tired of his "wanna play crap" talk so I took his sack of money. Hehe, but then he took my eraser and threatens to put it in his socks. Does everything have to relate with his socks? Anyways, he kept asking and threatening. Then he suddenly takes my backpack and puts it on the teacher's chair. I'm surprised she never even saw it. No one in the class seemed to notice either. The minutes went by and he still hasn't return my backpack. Reece was there as well and he talked a lot. Like A LOT! I'm guessing Tryston got annoyed and started playing around and wacked Reece's face his sock. Disgusting. He also wacked me for fun, like 5 times, but then I hit him back. We started to do this "if you give me back this, I'll return this" thing and soon compromised after 15 minutes and got our stuff back, but of course my eraser had to pay the price and went in his socks... again EW.

Fourth period was fine as well. I didn't have Tryston in my class but I had Richard. But it was still boring though. We only talked about the parts of the house and my teachers street name "Unicorn something-something" It was weird. Fifth period was orchestra which I got two medals from my solo and ensemble, like almost everybody else, unless they suck really badly.

Sixth period was P.E. and I was kind of mad. (And sorry Vy if you thought I was mad at you) after P.E. was seventh period, science. Oh how I hate that class. But before that, I had to get my stuff from fifth period and on the way to my science class, there was Reed. I guess he didn't see me until I said that he cut his hair to Jennifer. But then he heard that and stopped walking. I swear, I was scared as heck since I thought he was going to hug me. Good thing he didn't.

Lane asked if I wanted a hug all of a sudden in seventh period. Like what? Why would I want a hug? The day went by really fast there as well but the last ten minutes of school was the most terrifying part yet. We got our projects back... well Tryston got his back and he didn't want it so he gave it to Traevon. Like I was fine with that but why give him 2 dollar?! Couldn't he have just given me the money? He had a dollar left and I said jokingly "give a dollar." Surprisingly he did without any hesitation. Such a nice guy right? NOT! He's the SAME guy that GAVE my number to my EX and WACKED me with a SOCK!

But when I said I was joking and tried to give the money back, Traevon butts himself into the conversation and tries to get the money. I didn't want to give him the money... I'm stubborn like that, sorry. I said never mind and that I was going to keep it. I put it back in my pocket and then continue working on my food chain. Just when I let my guard down, Traevon snuck his hand into my jacket's pocket and pulled the money out. Damn that kid. On instinct, I yelled out that he took my money and the teacher said to give it back. He gave one QUARTER! I'm missing three more. He threw two other quarters but I was stubborn and didn't try to catch it. It fell to the ground. He was like "Oh you don't want it? Okay fine I'll take it back" that's when I picked it up but then also grabbed his shirt and pulled him by the neck and said to give me the last quarter. He didn't give it back right away but then I was about to go tell the teacher. He quickly turns around and threw the quarter in panic. I don't blame him for that. He would've gotten in trouble. The thing is, the quarter hit my face. I was shocked. It kind of hurts unexpectedly. But that's when I get to see something I never thought I would see. His somewhat-kind-of sincere face. "Whoa. Sandy, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hit your face. You ok?" were his words. Dang, I think I was more shocked at that then the hit itself.

That sincerity only lasted a second though. He was back to his jerky self. I kept the money thinking it was finally over but then the last five minutes rang and first thing that goes out of his mouth was "give me the money or I'll tell everyone your number."

He was serious but I stood my ground. Next thing out of his mouth really scares me though. He yells out "WHO WANTS SANDY'S PHONE NUMBER!?" and everyone was confused but some agreed. I saw him smirked. That jerk. "So what's it going to be?

I was so close to crying. I'll get in trouble if everyone knows my number. Why is he going so far for just one dollar? I gave up and hand over the money to him but not before I said "stop bothering me like a little shit you are. Leave me alone. I'm done with your shit." The bell rang to go home and they all exit. Tryston was nice enough to stay back and help me since I was running a bit late. Jennifer was also waiting for me in the hallways.

On the way to the bus, I had to ask Tryston one thing. Our valentines dance is coming up and my friends wanted to know if Tryston or I'm are going to the dance. I asked him and he said probably not. I had a conversation with Jennifer in the gym locker about this because I already knew he would say no. She said to "beg" and say "Please. For me" Do you have any idea how hard it was for me to say that? I asked him again... Here's the dialogue:

Me: Hey, you know the valentines dance?

Tryston: Yeah?

Me: You going?

Tryston: Mmmm... probably not.

Me: What...? Why?

Tryston: Because I probably won't. [Shrugs]

At that time, Jennifer was right next to me walking.

Me: [Looks at Jennifer and then back at Tryston... Quick breath] Why not? Can't you go?

Tryston: Umm.... No? Why do you want me to go? [His face had a hint of blushing in it]

Me: I don't know... but come on. Can you just go? For me? Please? [Tries to do the best puppy eyes I can]

Tryston: Fine, I'll go.

Me: Yay! [Smiles and ALMOST... ALMOST hugs him? 0.o]

I said bye to Jennifer and then his panic attack comes back... because of the Asian Mob... (-__-)

Tryston: Oh gosh, it's the ASIAN MOB!

Me: Dude! Calm down!

Tryston: But it's an ASIAN MOB!

Me: Whatever... Just go! [Pushes him forward, out the building and said goodbye.]

And that was basically my whole day at school.

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