Five Day Before STAAR

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Okay, Richard is so freaking annoying! I get that I hang out with him and all that, but he's freaking annoying! Today wasn't the best day. I swear, this is like the most frustrating day I had this year.

This morning, I was supposed to hang and talk with my cousin but Richard came along and they are so annoying together. Kelly (my cousin) is okay when I hang with her ALONE but if you put Richard along with that girl, they are the worst. She thinks Richard is my friend. Like NO! He is NOT my friend and he can go die alone in a hole!

Okay anyways, let's start the story. Kelly was walking with me... with Richard on her other side. They started teasing me about my "baby steps". For your information, I DO NOT take "baby steps", I take NORMAL steps! We walked and went into a Spanish class and of course... that idiot followed as well. I didn't want to deal with him so I turned around and was about to leave when my cousin pulled me back inside. Five minutes of waiting around, I sneaked out. I thought I was finally done with those two when right before the last Five Minute Bell rang, they came in. Like seriously?! They came into my classroom and just pissed me off even more! And when the warning bell rang, they ran out like chickens.

Now, what's worse is that our seats changed AGAIN! This is like the HUNDREDTH time that our seats has changed!

First period was fine except for the seat changes and the test we had to take.... I don't see the point in any of it. After first period, I went out first. Usually Tryston would be the first one to go out and wait for me but this time, I beat him to it. I kept walking, turning my head back a few times to see if he noticed but I didn't see him. So I waited in the science hall.... A few seconds went by and he enters the science hallway. He saw me and then finally smiled at me. But when I started to tease him about first the first one he start making excuses. He said that he didn't see me so he waited outside the classroom. We started teasing each other about our walking pace as well. I knew I couldn't beat him in a race (he's in track, I ain't risking anything) but I didn't want to admit anything.

On the way to second period Tryston started talking about how he wanted to making a rubber band ball.... He only had one rubber band and worse, it was broken. I told him to just get a small styrofoam ball and start there but he said that it was too boring. I argued and said that it would be easier that way. He started getting really close to me... Like in the face. You know how boys get up in each other's faces when they're about to fight? It was kinda... I SAID KINDA... Like that. We had about an inch apart with our bodies but his face was only three inches from mine. And he's taller than me so.... Yeah...

Third period went fine. Fourth and fifth period was fine as well. I didn't have to deal with Richard much so that was a huge relief. Six period though.... It was a Fitness Day in gym and the coach said we had to do a back-peddle and then sprint (twice repeating) and the boys did it. The girls would go afterwards. The thing is, the boys did Back-Peddled THEN Sprinted.... The girls Sprinted THEN Back-Peddled but I got the order mixed up and about halfway through the basketball court I turned to sprint instead of back-peddling but my foot slipped and I fell backwards.... I got up and did my best but it was so EMBARRASSING! My butt hurts a lot from it too. It started getting numb afterwards... I should stop describing my butt. Hehe....

Seventh period was fine as well. We were taking simple notes about physics (our new unit in science) when suddenly Nathan yells out, "Tryston got a girlfriend?!" I turned my head towards them just like everyone else. Tryston looked me and silently mouths the words "It wasn't me, that was Nathan" I shook my head and turned back to take notes.

Class was almost over when J.T (a very short kid) came over to Tryston asking, "Tryston.... Tryston! You got a girlfriend, huh? Who she is?"

I think I heard him say my name but I'm not so sure on that so I won't put any false claims. On the way out to the bus (or student council for him...) I asked him what that was about:

Tryston: Oh I just said I have a girlfriend

Me: Why? What'd Nathan say?

Tryston: He said that I was gay and I replied. I said, "Yeah, I'm a gay with a GIRLFRIEND"

I burst out laughing. I can't believe he actually said that.

Me: WHAT?!

Tryston: Yeah.... I mean, I said that this morning already but I don't think it got through his head

Me: Yeah... Sure

By this time, we were already approaching our parting ways. I think he forgot that he had student council or something because he walked a bit further with me not even sparing the student council hall a look.... I had to push gently and say, "Don't you have student council?" To get him to remember.

He smiled and I guess he was about to hug me since his arm was reaching out for me but then he saw the teacher and just went his way after waving good bye. I went to the bus and went home.






BUT WAIT THERES MORE! It's about what happened on the bus. Now, Jeffery (or Reed, Jeff, Tiffany... Whatever you want to call him) he's officially my bus seat partner. The new blonde eighth girl, Maquina, I don't want her to sit next to me so I told Jeff to. It's not that I don't like her, I just don't like how she acts. She leans on people to much and gets into people's space ALOT.

Like today, we thought she wasn't going to ride the bus but she did. She was "smoking" some Smarties and then suddenly she wipes the wrapper WITH HER SILIVA onto Jeff's mouth. Like EWWWW!!

She started laughing and all that.... She kept doing it and it was disgusting each and every time. Then there was that one time where she is it and a candy piece slipped out and into his mouth.... I know, DISGUSTING! I tried to say stop but she wouldn't. Lane also yelled out that Jeff has a girlfriend and that he doesn't need her but she replied that she also has a boyfriend. I mean, what? I know she has one but why do that to Jeff then? I don't get her....

They (Jeff and Maquina) started licking their hands and rubbing it on each other.... Ew, again. I thought Maquina would have had enough when she took out her lotion bottle and cleaned her hands but instead, she had some lotion left over in her hand and she rubbed it all over Jeff's face. I don't get how she does that and not get grossed out....

Well that's the whole day, five days away from our STAAR.... Sigh.... Hoping that I'll do good!

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