Continuation of Hugging (For The Rest of The Week)

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Ok, so Monday was the first day Tryston hugged me right?

Well I kinda freaked out to Jennifer about that... hehe, sorry girl. But anyways, that hugging thing is getting more of a habit now. He keeps hugging me every day before we part our ways... Can I ask why?

Like on Tuesday, he didn't do anything. I didn't even noticed anything. He had band practice as well... but it was fun while the talk on the way to the bus lasted... :)

Wednesday... Well he did hug me that day.... It kinda sucks when I have orchestra practice on Wednesday while he has band practice on Tuesday, but I guess I can't do anything about that. So normally we would walk to the bus together right? Well, since I had orchestra practice, I had to turn to the right while he would go straight to the buses. But I, being a stubborn girl, pulled him along with me. Of course, he's not going to practice with me. He's just going to walk me there... kinda. When I tugged on his arm, he immediately knew that I wanted him to walk with me and quickly follows, but right after that... we started arguing... more like teasing (and playfully insulting)... again. I was talking about how dumb he is while he fires back at how short I am compared to him and how I take small steps. I can't help it if I don't take big steps.

Anyways, there were students going to their destinations in every direction. Some going the same way as us, some going the opposite, and even going to the left or right. But nonetheless, he still walked with me. When we were about to turn our ways (he goes left, to the bus... I go right, to practice) he pulled me into a hug. Yes it happened again. But this time, there was the AP right next to us. Although, I don't think Tryston noticed him. He pulled me into a hug and then I guess I let out a little... a TINY, I tell you... squeaked from surprise. Anyways, right after that he pushes me and says, "Now go." I sped my way through the river of people and went to orchestra sectionals. Gosh, it was so embarrassing... After sectionals, he texted me to see how it went and my friend texted him instead of me, which then results in another argument, although it was really stupid. My friend sent a heart, a RED one... but his phone showed a BLACK one so we started arguing about the color. Stupid, I know.

Thursday went almost the same, just... it was his turn to leave. He had student counsel so he had to go left while I go straight to the bus. But of course, like every day, we would be playfully insulting each other and talking about nonsense. Right before he turns, he hugs me AGAIN. And in response, I try...... to hug back but couldn't, given the limited time because he already let go and pushed me to go home. I rode the bus home and waited until his "meeting" to be over to text but he beat me to it. He texted me first, asking a question... and I quote,

"I don't get it, you get mad at me when I don't hug then scream when I do"

That is not even true. I don't get mad nor do I scream. I let out a TINY screech... not a scream. Two different things, people! Anyways, he demanded me to tell him what's the reason or I would have to wear the tattoos that I got from him when he bought a cookie pass for me... I begged him to not do that but in the end, I told him. But he still forced me to wear them... and I did.

Now there was Friday, isn't this day supposed to be a fun, exciting one? Nope, not one bit. For one, I got ganged up against five people (two of them were my friend) and got teased with a ship name. A ship name THEY made with MY name and TRYSTON'S name... (-_-) why? They were just there, teasing me while saying the ship name over and over again.... and you know what the worst part is?! Tryston was right there, sitting BEHIND them! Like, he's just sitting there, on his phone while looking at me once in a while and shaking his head and smiled (... in pity, I think) like, hello? Aren't you suppose to help me? You're involved too, yet you do nothing but sit there.

And you know how he walks with me to my second period right? Well, of course I don't want him to after what just happened. Also because those girls were still hot on my track, saying those names... I scolded Tryston a bit for not stopping them before pushing him to his second period so he doesn't have to walk with me.

In third period, I scolded him again because I was going to let him off for abandoning me while they tease me to death. But in the end, I let him off.
(-_- ;) Why?

After seventh period was done, we walked together to the bus. Yes, TO THE BUS. We don't have any schedule for Friday so it was a chance to walk together. Anyways, I complained that he was freaking dumb to not know that I was trying to hold his hand... it's an experiment, I promise... but then he complained about me not giving him a hug and I fought back saying that there was no time to do that. I was about to say something else but we ran out of time and had to part ways. He pulled me into a side hug and yelled in a whisper voice, "You happy now?" and then we went to our buses.

I wanted to try out a "dramatic girl" concept and texted him like a clingy girl and asks him, "why can't you hold my hand... yet you can hug me?" and he replied with an "I'm not a hold hands kind of guy" I should know that by now, shouldn't I? I decided today that I would give up on trying to feel the experience of holding hands.

Now, I probably didn't tell you that I wore the tattoo that he gave me at school... well I was trying to take it off and it freakin hurts, A LOT! I forgot how much pain is felt taking these things off. Anyways, I told him that and also added in that I was bleeding because of that tattoo to see if he cared. Of course he didn't believe when I said that so my plan failed, I guess. But then we started our childish arguments again because he called me "ma'am". I'm not his mistress, I'm his friend.

So in the end, we fought about many stupid stuff, I gave up on the holding hands experience in exchange for the hugs... and learned to never wear temporary tattoos because those HURT! T^T

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