Substitute... Stupidity... Jerks

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Is our generation slow or something? Do we not get our thoughts out there clear enough? Seventh period is probably my favorite yet least favorite at the same time in school. I love the classmates in that class. They make everything more fun and interesting. We don't get in trouble that much even if we are the noisiest class. But the only thing I don't like is the constant "Do you want a hug?" question. Like who does? Seriously?! Also the constant jerks around me. Why can't they go take their shit somewhere else? Why wait until seventh period?

We had a substitute today for whatever reason there was. We had to do three worksheet. One from the JASON book, then a dichotomous key and last a Study Buddy. The JASON book worksheet was pretty easy. You just have to find the answer that was right in the book. The dichotomous key was also easy. Confusing for one of them but it was overall ok! The Study Buddy is what I hate the most. Who needs it? I swear, no one actually takes that thing home and study. And... we didn't even take it home! We had to turn it in! Traevon, that jerk, he dared say he'll give me three fucking dollar to do his worksheet. Is he freaking stupid? You just have to COPY the words from a BOOK yet he is stupid enough to not be able to do that.

Reed, Reece, Khai, and Lane. They are all idiots I tell you! Orlando and Traevon started being jackasses and decided to tease every person they can. Starting with Michael. Oh the poor Korean boy. They started teasing him and asking him if he liked Tyler, a violist in my orchestra group. Like hello? Traevon, Orlando... can you not? Can't you shut your mouth and just work? Then they asked if Michael likes Skyler. As if nobody knows already. We all know but we don't say anything, Michael actually had enough and shouted out "Just SHUT UP!" Good for him. Yell your anger out on these idiots. Their next target was Reed and Jake O' Conner. They started yelling across the freaking classroom and asked if they would enjoy having their girlfriends' baby. They take it one more step and say what if they had Reed's girlfriend's baby. The fuck? What's wrong with these people? Reed got up and almost hit them but we all knew it was a joke, although it wasn't funny. And the substitute was right in between the two.

I finished my work despite being near the two idiot shouting everywhere. I walked around the class and said hi to random people (just Reece, Reed, Tryston, and Nathan). Reed being the person he is, immediately asks if I wanted a hug. Fuck no I don't. Then Reece followed his lead and asked me as well. But quickly says he was joking knowing that I hate them. The teacher also saved me by saying Reed to be quiet and stop. Next was Khai. I don't know what's gotten into him and but he also asked. This time, it wasn't like how Reed and Reece would ask. This idiot just asks and quickly charges in. I thought my arm was going to fucking fall off from pushing that idiot away. Even the teacher said to stop yet he didn't. I wanted to punch his face so bad. I threatened him by saying I'll go to his house and kick his ass. Finally he stops. Tryston and I walked to the bus like usually and again, he starts worrying about the "ASIAN MOB". How stupid. (-__-) His face also got red. The ears were bright red though. I said that to him and you know what his stupid excuse was? "Its cause I was running around the classroom" Like how stupid does he think I am?

On the bus, I sat next to Dennis (a blonde) and started texting Tryston and suddenly Dennis asked who Tryston was. He assumes that it was this eighth grader and said "Is it the gay one?" Damn, I was laughing, I quickly texted Tryston about it and Dennis freaked out. It was hilarious. Soo... in the end, thank you to Dennis for giving me a laugh with your stupidity.

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