Thank You and Why?

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First of all, I would like to thank Vy for buying me Valentine's Takis. It were good. Finished all six bags in two days. Second, thank you again Vy for giving them because now I have something on my brother. He would never share any of his food and now that he doesn't get any Takis from me, he knows how it feels to not be shared with.

My friend, Jennifer, also gave me something!! A Valentine's card! Do you know how rare that is nowadays? Especially in middle school, no one gives cards anymore... just damn expensive stuff that makes you feel guilty if you don't give something in return. So thank you, Jennifer!

Now onto the rant... I don't think this is going to be long nor full of anger or annoyance. It's just stating what's in my mind.

Anyways, school is stressful, everyone should know that by now. First period, we had to create this priceless thing... useless. Then we had to read this passage and write about a character... also useless. But I shouldn't be complaining. This is actually the class that has the least work of all my classes.

Second period, math, we had to do a worksheet. I don't know if I'm just getting dumber and slower or something but I never finished my worksheet. I was helping like three people. One of them was Jake... who copies my work, Sarah... who sometimes don't understand the concept and the other Jake... who has no idea whatsoever what the paper is about. With those three people around me, I don't think I could get anything done. So by the end of second period, I still had like three problems left (I only had ten to begin with!). I randomly circled an answer and hoped for the best. Whatever!

Before third period, I had to get Tryston's backpack. Apparently he has turned me into a slave. I agreed to get his backpack yesterday because we had to go from 1st period, language arts, to 2nd period, math (for him, it's PE). He got lazy and asked if I could get it. I said sure. My mistake, I didn't think he would want me to take his backpack every day. I guess I have to now. Monday... I might not. Tuesday... I guess I will. Wednesday... I might do it again. But I'm not doing it on Thursdays or Fridays (except for this week)

Fourth period was fine, it was the least work I had to do the whole day. Fifth period was musical... I have no idea why I wrote that word. Sixth period was tiring. Seventh period was weird. The boys started doing airplane thingy. Like picking other boys up and twirling them around. We had a coloring day and that's it.

Question of the day (2/19): Why am I turning into a slave and being nicer??

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