Exams, Percy, and a Vaseline Bottle

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In first period, we continued to watch the Lightning Thief. Now this time, I really did talk about how cute Percy looked. I'm serious, he's freaking cute in the first movie. I don't know about the other movies but he looked cute in the beginning. My friend said that I only thought he was cute because I was dating Tryston and that Percy looks like Tryston (...or was it the other way around?) but I promise you, I didn't even think about Tryston yet until they brought him up. Plus, Tryston looked nothing like Percy.

On the way to second period, I made a mistake of talking to Tryston about how cute Percy looked. I mean, I just let three words slip out of my mouth and he started questioning me. "Do you even know his name in real life?" He said. I wouldn't say he's jealous but more frustrated that I kept talking about other guys than him.

Second period was boring once again. We just did a math worksheet like the past two days. I don't get why we had to do it though. It doesn't really help to cram in worksheet when we have a test on Tuesday over mostly everything that we learned this whole school year. The worksheets that was given to us only covered this six-weeks. What about the other five?

Third period, we had a test. Yes the damn test that we were viewing for on Wednesday. But it was really easy and I didn't really see anything that I needed help on. Like basically the whole review sheet was useless. After everyone was done, I decided to sharpen pencil to pass time until the bell rang to get to fourth period. When I was sharpening pencil though, four guys (Bryant, Tryston, Nathan, and Maurice) surrounded me. I didn't really the crowded feeling but I just ignored that feeling as I got more grossed out by Bryant. Like, he's a pervert. I swear, that guy kept asking if he could hug me in front of Tryston, why Tryston never hugs me, why Tryston hasn't kissed me yet, if I could give Tryston "head" and him as well. I don't know why Tryston's friend with that pervert but then again, sometimes Bryant is nice. Especially when e gives me food (>^<)

Fourth period, we were introduced with a Spanish culture project. It was either we cook or research about an American-born Hispanic person. I chose to research because 1) I can't cook and 2) its way easier to just research.

Fifth period was the same as Thursday. Some were practicing, some were taking their exams, and the rest were on their phones

Sixth period, we didn't do anything. I sat there talking with Tran while the other girls were playing around. Vy and Isis (Addie) decided to mess with me and kept throwing the damn Vaseline bottle towards my back. I got fed up and threw that Vaseline bottle down the bleachers. Apparently it disappeared and no one could get it back. Worse, it was an eighth grader's possession.

Seventh period, we had a test. The test was pretty easy. Some people said it was hard and some said it was easy. I believe the people who said it was easy. Hopefully I got a 100. When I was done, I had at least 15 minutes left of class and decided to eat hot Cheetos in class. I know I wasn't supposed to eat in the science room but I was hungry and I wanted to eat. I'm a rebel! Hehe...

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