Lies? Truth? Gossips Revealed...

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So it's finally Friday, four days before the Math STAAR... Not good. Anyways, that isn't important until next week on Tuesday. What happened today was confusing... First, it's Maquina. This morning I was waiting for the bus to arrive when she came over to my house's garage right before the bus came and told me that she saw Tryston hugging someone. She said that someone yelled out, "Ooh! Tryston's hugging his girlfriend!"

Like what am I supposed to say to that? "Oh really?! What should I do?! I should break up with that cheating bastard, shouldn't I?" Umm, excuse me but NO! I don't even know how to answer that girl so I just smiled awkwardly. Then the bus came and we got on. The whole bus ride was fine. I just never noticed Jeff who sat right in front of me. But he never said anything to me so it's not my fault!

First period was freaking.... AWESOME! We were going to do this worksheet thing but the cupcakes saved us. Our counselor and some other school staff came in and congratulated us after giving us the cupcakes. The only bad thing is that the cupcakes' frosting was horrible. There was enough cupcakes for each person to get two but I didn't get a second one. The first cupcake already got me on the verge of throwing all it in the trash, but I couldn't cuz that'll be rude.

Anyways after that, our teacher said we could have the rest of the class as Free Time (that's basically the whole class time) and also wanted to move some things around the room. For example, THE BOOKSHELVES! LIKE TWO, METAL BOOKSHELVES... And the moving boys just ate their cupcakes. At least wait a bit before making them work.

Anywys, we moved the damn bookshelves with some little trouble. Like, Ben (another blonde besides than Lane) was skating around on some plastic moving plate things and they were everywhere. But after like 15 minutes or so, they finished moving the bookshelves from one side of the room to the other. Oh! I forgot about this too.... They also moved TWO filled cabinets to one side of the room to the other. By the time they finished all that, they had only five minutes of Free Time left.... So sad for them.

They... And when I say "they" I mean Tryston, Nathan and Faith.... got candy for helping the teacher. I should've gotten some candies too since I helped a bit but I didn't get to.

The bell rang to go to second period and we left. On the way to second period, we start arguing because I didn't want the candy that he got.... But it's not my fault. He got blueberry and some other blue candies and I don't want my tongue blue.

Now Justin, another short blonde kid, (why is there so many blondes?!) came and walked between me and Tryston. He noticed me and was about to say something about me flipping him off (the middle finger) in third grade but I interrupted him and said, "Fuck you" to him since I've always done that to him since third grade... It was fun. Justin tried to "tattle" on me with Tryston but Tryston started playing innocent.

Justin: Dude! Did you just hear her?!

Tryston: What? What she say?

Justin: She just cussed at me!

Tryston: What are you talking about? She would NEVER do that. She's too much of a goody-goody to say something that bad. [looks at me and smiled.... He knows that's a total lie]

Justin: What?! But she JUST said it! Ugh whatever!

And he went to walk with his other friends. I laughed at how Tryston acted. We both knew pretty well how I can be a goody-goody and cuss at people. Anyways, after that I asked about the hugging issue.

Me: So? Did you really hug someone yesterday?

[Note: If he did, I'm not mad. Just gonna be surprised because he didn't hug me yesterday yet he had time to hug someone else...]

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