Stupid Schedule

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His schedule got switched! I found out yesterday after I took my CBA and he was like all excited. In the beginning of the school year, he kept complaining at how he should and wanted to be in athletics and all that but after a few months, he stopped complaining. But now that track season has started, he entered it and somehow got his schedule switch. All because of track! Just that one thing and his schedule changes!

Before it was first period Lang. Arts, then P.E., Texas History, Spanish, Math, Band, and lastly, Science. And the schedule was freakin convenient for him... and me. We could walk together to the classes but now we can't. Before it changed, we would walk to the math hallway together because I had 2nd period Math, and he had to put his backpack up in the math hallway... and also fourth period! Third period is Texas History and we had that together and then we (USED TO) have Spanish in fourth period and would walk together to that class...

BUT NOW THAT HIS SCHEDULE CHANGED... First Lang. Art, then Spanish, Texas History, Athletics, Math, Band, and lastly, Science. He has fourth period ATHELICS and second period SPANISH... which means we don't get walk together so I texted him that and you know what he said?

"No I'll just walk the whole thing no biggie" <-- like those were his EXACT words... isn't that sweet of him? (-__-) but I was seriously scared that he was going to be late for class if he did. And worse, it's going to be my fault. I guess I shouldn't be complaining when he's doing this for me but Ughhhhh! Why can't he do track and not have his schedule change? What's the harm done there?

Oh! If you haven't figured out who I am talking about yet, it's the idiotic Tryston. I just realized that many of my stories have him in them.... Funny coincidence, right? Haha.... (-_-;)

But anyways, I guess I got mad for no reason [I think it's because he didn't wait for me in the Spanish hall like he said he would] but I wanted to test something... in third period (thank goodness that stay the same) I sat next to him because of the assigned seats, but anyways, I pulled my table away from his so it wasn't touching. It was separated by like 3 inches of space. I wanted to see if he would notice... it took him a while but he did. When he saw that our table wasn't touching, he connects them again. And it's not like gently pulling my table to his... it was more like SLAMMING his table into mine. Then he scooted up to his desk. I wanted to do try that again so I slowly, almost unnoticeably, pulled my table apart from his. This time he noticed quicker (damn...) and did his habit thingy of smiling and shaking his head like it's saying "this is so stupid" [I admit, it was stupid thing to do with the table]. Then, AGAIN, he slams his table against mine... I was like 1 foot away from where I had originally sat at the beginning to the period. I pushed his table back to its place and I did the same with mine.

After third period... sigh... he had athletics and turned to the math hallway put up his backpack. I'm serious, that guy is truly an idiot. He could've just taken it with him (it's allowed to take it because they're in athletics)... I guess that would be the end of my madness. I didn't get to see for the rest of the day until seventh period then he would be gone to student council... well I guess I have to say good bye to my walks with that guy.

Also, why couldn't he start his little schedule change next week? Why start it on a Thursday, right after CBA testing days? It would be any harm to start a bit late? Bye...

UPDATE: My bad... it's my mistake for not asking him earlier but it's even worse! He doesn't just have Track practice on Wednesday.... he has that thing EVERYDAY! 😢 So sad... and here I thought it couldn't get any worse.

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