Waiting, Cheating, Jealousy?

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Okay so yesterday was.... Abnormal. I mean, everyday is normally weird but this week's Thursday was not the normal kind of weird.... Know where I'm getting at?

First period was fine, like usual. We tried to finish this book "The Outsiders" for about a month or so now. Then we watched like half of the damn movie.

On the way to second period, Tryston and I was talking about how good he looked at the award ceremony. That thing was boring as heck but the boys were freaking handsome.

[Especially.... Jeff. I will not admit Tryston is handsome! But I was wearing this strapless red dress and because of that.... *whispers* I couldn't find a clear strapped bra.... I told Richard that and he just looks at me as if I was crazy. I was searching for Tryston in the crowd but couldn't find him anywhere. When he came into my sight, I asked him where he sat and turns out, it was right in front of me.... Wow. I'm just plain blind now. There's another part too. I had my phone with me but I had nowhere to put it so... Tryston offered to keep it for me. (>~<) I gave it to my uncle instead, I can't trust him with my phone.... Not yet. Richard tried to tell Tryston what I told him but luckily Tryston didn't hear anything. But when I said the next four words, those two idiots ganged up on me. "Jeff looks really good" I mean let's be honest, he is good looking and any guy who wears a formal shirt will definitely look better than they usually do. So after the ceremony, we (me and Tryston) were searching for our parents. But he left the second he saw his and just left me, without a goodbye too! On the way home I texted him, "You left me without a goodbye! So mean 😞 but you were still handsome as heck" And he replied with, "Better than Reid?" I don't know if I could say this, but I think he's a BIT jealous?]

Anyways back to school, we talked about the award ceremony and then went to our second period. It went by fast and "normal" too.

Third period was noisy like usual. There wasn't anything big on that. Fourth period we were assigned worksheets and I got an 84 as a grade for one of them.... Sigh.

Fifth period, we just played our instruments. Nothing majorly important. Sixth period was normal and tiring as usual.... I'm using the word "usual" too much, aren't I?

But it's something that happened after sixth period that ticked me off. Jennifer had put her backpack in woodshop so she didn't have to run to the orchestra class to get her unlike me. We normally do but she wanted to do something....

Anyways, she told Tryston to wait and he did, it was just weird afterwards. An eighth grader, flute player, was next to him. Now get this, I'm fine with him being around girls and all that. I'm not a jealous type, I promise. But the thing is, she was pulling, holding and dragging his arm/hand while I'm like RIGHT BESIDE him.... Do you have any idea how awkward it is to see your own boyfriend and another girl together? So awkward.... So I whispered to Jennifer that he was "holding hands" with him and she was like, "Well leave him! Let's go!" And she pushes me forward. I don't think Tryston would notice anyways, too busy with his new NBOC member. Okay, I sound jealous but I'm not! Tryston and Jennifer thinks that but I guess I can't justify myself....

Seventh period, we took this quiz and many got a good grade. Except Michael... Poor boy. I don't know what he got but he was crying because of it. After that, when we were walking towards the bus I couldn't bring myself to talk to him so he started the conversation... "You staying for orchestra?" I nodded my head and wouldn't say anything else. Then he had to bring up that eighth grade flute player again. Doesn't he get that I don't need to hear another girl's name?!

Anyways he went to student council after hugging me... That idiot. But then Jennifer started saying things and the teacher caught us.... Hehe...

UPDATE: I sent a message to Tryston the following day though...

"And from yesterday's thing, I DIDNT leave immediately, I walked RIGHT BESIDE you but you were being pulled by some eighth grader so I left you to your friendship time thingy cuz it would've been awkward looking at your own boyfriend with some other girl....
-_- And it's not fair. I'm fine with you and girls being around each other and all but you let a girl pull, hold and drag your arm/hand yet I can't even do any of those stuff without you looking at me and think that I'm some weirdo. Ugh so not fair Tryston! And no, duh you aren't cheating on me. I would've known. I'm not that stupid kid."

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