The Day Before Valentine's Day (At School)

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Hehe... Today is Valentine's Day! Chocolate and more candy for me! actually I only had been given one chocolate... bag! A whole bag! Can you believe it?! I really didn't expect anything though. I swear, people go way too far to do valentines at school.

The boyfriends in my school... bringing teddy bears and roses for their girlfriends and also the girls in our school also bring stuff. Candy... like A LOT! We have this thing in our school where you can give Takis to a person of your choice for $1 and also buy heart shaped ring pops if you wanted. Vy bought like 20 of them. I got one! I remember Vy asking Tryston something... like if he had something for me...

Of course he said no, why would he? The girls in our 1st period class had like bags of gifts from their friends. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a bit jealous of them having so much but what can I say? I'm not that popular nor popular in the first place. I have friends but I don't expect anything. 1st period past by quickly, normally. And it was 10 minutes shorter than usual considering it was a Friday.

2nd period was math and my pregnant teacher was back after a day of absence. Plus the substitute for when our original teacher goes give birth was there as well. He's really tall and has a pretty loud voice. Talks a lot too. But I'm fine with it as long as I make good grades.

3rd period was where trouble starts. Like the usual, Chris is talking, Bryant is being an annoying little brat, Fiona is eating, and Natalie, Emily, and most of the class is working. We ended our class quickly as well. And had loads of free time. I don't know what happened but when I was laying my head down in Tryston's jacket as a pillow, Tryston suddenly got up and walked towards Bryant. They suddenly started fighting too. Tryston put Bryant in a head lock and started choking him. What's worse was that the teacher was right next to them! Like seriously?! Couldn't they fight somewhere private? Bryant jerked his head back and hit Tryston's forehead like three time before Tryston released Bryant and returned to his seat. I seriously thought his head was going to bust open after hearing the hit from Bryant's head to Tryston's head 3 yards away. It must've hurt. But when I asked him what the heck was it about, he said nothing and said to not worry.

I don't know what Bryant has been telling everyone but they keep asking Tryston and me stuff. Natalie started asking me questions too.

"Are you dating?"

"Is it Tryston?"

"Did he ask you out?"

Like no! So many people are asking me that and its getting freaking annoying! We're friends! Just friends! Can people not assume stuff, and even if we were... it's not important. Does everyone have to know if I am or not? I started covering up my ears and ignored them as they kept asking those questions. I went to find something to do and just decided to throw away random trash that I found. When I came back to my desk, Tryston was zipping up my backpack... I looked at him weirdly and took my backpack to zip up the rest but then saw something white. Chocolate... that's what it was. He gave me chocolate! Not just one but a whole bag! I seriously didn't want to believe it. I didn't expect him to give me anything, especially when he said he had nothing to give in 1st period. I felt so bad. I didn't give him anything. I didn't prepare anything for anyone at all. I told him that and he was just like "oh don't worry, I don't expect anything from you."

4th period was fine. We took our DPM and made valentine cards in Spanish. Richard asked me who I was going to make it for... I didn't had anyone in mind so I decided to make it for Tryston as a thank you gift. I know, I suck. I'm poor and I had no idea what to do.

I'm not going to tell you what I put in there because honestly, I don't remember either. But I had said that it was for my mom to Richard since I didn't want any teasing to happen. Stupid, I know. I slipped the card into Tryston's backpack with poor ninja skills...

Fifth period was hectic. Sixth period was tiring. Seventh was actually fine (SUPRISINGLY!) and that was the whole school day before Valentine's Day.

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