Last Day of School!

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Okay, I seriously have mental problems or emotional issues or something! It's the LAST day of school and here I am, crying. No, I'm not crying of happiness that there's no more school, and I'm SO not crying because I'm not going to see my "friends". Heck no, I'm crying because of everyone ignoring me. Dumb reason, right? And I get it, there are some people out there who did asked if I was alright and I pushed them away but it's not my fault. I was born like that... I don't want to seem weak to them. I don't even trust them that much! Hell, I'm suppose to be the demon princess. The tough, hardcore, no feelings-no weakness girl. Anyways during the first period and into the first-half of the second period, I was fine. Literally, I was FINE.

But then again, my teacher did ignore me when I literally yelled out that I could help. The class needed music for the game, Musical Chairs, on Pandora but of course, no one could get in except me. After she accepted my "help", I got hit in the face by her elbow... Great...

Second period came and it was fine. I was pretty amazed that our class had turned into a hangout zone for the popular kids. But can you blame them? They're the popular people and my class literally has the nicest teacher in the whole school. Tyler, a guy in seventh period, came in as well and I, being the person that I am, promised that I would hug any boy that wants to hug me on the last day of school. So I hugged him.... Sigh... EW!

Then after that and starting into third period I just got more tired. I wanted to say something but I knew no one would listen. It was a class full of Horizon kids and they were talking to each other yet ignored me like I was invisible. I don't know, but I felt a rush of sadness come over me and sigh... You know.... Tears form and then it gets ugly....

After fourth period, I knew that most of the kids in my class would be going to other rooms to hang with their friends and I guess I kinda knew that everyone in Horizons would be hanging around together somewhere yet the most painful thing was that I was never informed. I get that I don't socialize much but at least, I thought, that they would've spared me one look and ask me.... Yet I knew it wasn't gonna come. In the end, there was only seven people in our fourth period class. Fifth period was no different. I didn't talk much like in fourth period and it was boring too. No excitement, no people to actually have a fun conversation with, and I didn't want to talk either....

Sixth period was the same, I'm sitting on the bleachers with an eighth grader next to me and... well... we don't really talk much. So this is what I'm doing now, writing this whole thing in sixth period on the bleachers. I'll probably write the last part in seventh period or on the bus, maybe even when I get home.... At this point I don't know.


So I decided to write this part when I'm at home... When I was stabled enough to type simple letters. Surprisingly, seventh period was better than I expected. But before that, I just wanted to tell you guys something... something I somehow didn't get the chance to say to Jennifer since she didn't really listen, but anyways... on the way to seventh period, I met up with Tryston and well... let's just say, it was unexpected? Tryston saw me walking towards seventh period and caught up to me. He puts his arm over my shoulders and somehow pulled me into a... I don't know what to call it except for a... hug? (Only disgusting part is that he was partially sweaty) I don't know what has gotten into his mind but he's doing way much more "PDA" then he has ever done in the past almost-four-months that we had been dating. Weird, but I was okay with it. (In my head, I was thinking that he was drunk or something, seriously...)

We had a yearbook-signing party in seventh period and well, I actually had a good time. I got Jeffrey to sign Jennifer's book (and getting the damn pen cap out of his mouth), hung out with Tryston and Collin for a bit (basically bothering Collin... sorry not sorry), finally told two of my classmates that I'm dating Tryston for almost FOUR months (one of them was so surprised and the other was like, "seriously, I already knew. It was so obvious."), signed so many yearbooks and papers, got lots of people's numbers, gave my phone number to lots of people, hugged people, and... took two pictures with Vy and Isis (I look so bad in them, so fat too). In total, I think I gave out 12 hugs and 15 autographs, plus multiple phone numbers.

UPDATE: Okay I know this has nothing to do with the story and all, but why the hell am I having tears in my eyes??!! Seriously, I don't know what's going on. I ended the school year with a pretty decent ending and everyone [and everything] is happy so why the hell do I have tears. Trust when I say it's not because of not seeing my "friends", heck I'm even glad I don't have to see them all the time... so what's going on? Last night I cried for who-knows-how-long and only slept for two hours, and then today I cried at school during third period, almost in fourth period, almost in fifth period, sixth period, and almost on the bus as well! I swear, I'm going to get dehydration from all this nonsense crying! (>_<)

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