April Fools' Day

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WOOOHOOO!!! Its April Fools' Day people! (>^<) Anyways, I think I should start with the prank that I did with LeviPyon... Oh my gosh it was hilarious. But hey, it shows that she cares. So this is what happened...

If you didn't know, I'll say it right now, Tryston and I are "dating"... for almost 2 months now. And I've been sort of keeping LeviPyon up-to-date about him. So I decided it was a perfect chance to prank her. Anyways, I told her that we broke up. Like dramatically too.

I thought she wouldn't even see it, let alone fall for it. In earlier messages, I said that I would stop talking to her for two weeks if she didn't sleep [I swear, she's freaking awake at 2 in the morning!) so I didn't think se would see the message before April Fools' Day... but she did. And my plan worked... but she sent like a whole long message to me, trying to comfort me. Dang that girl... -_-; I feel bad for doing that to her but I had to, it's April Fools' Day. So after that, I revealed that it was all a joke. I don't think I could ever break up with him. The thing is, I wanted to try that prank on Tryston as well.

But then what happens at school was another story. Tryston tried to prank me with the breaking up thing... I totally forgot about April Fools' Day by the end of the day and well... he just said, "Hey, let's break up... This isn't working."

I mean, I was freaking shocked. I didn't think we would be thinking of the same prank. It was a good thing I remembered at the last moment and caught him. We laughed at how he would've "acted" if I said that prank to him. When we were about to part ways, he was about to hug me again but I guess it was a good thing that my AP was there. Gosh it would've been embarrassing. Plus, there shouldn't be any PDA at our school.

Now, let's go and rewind to sixth period. My friend jenloveu123 wanted to do a prank on vy_infinite_hoya and Richard so I agreed to it. We said that I would fake being mad/sick while she will say that her crush was Richard. Vy pretty much fell for it. Richard was actually harder to trick but I don't ever think he actually fell for it.

I also got tricked... by Jennifer. She said she forgot her gym clothes at home but she really had it all along. I can't believe I actually fell for that though. Anyways, Jennifer wanted to take it a bit further and said to make her cry?! She tried but I don't think she succeeded. I was faking anger but haven't you heard of a saying of "Even if you act mad, you'll soon be mad." And it was true, I did get a bit angry.

Seventh period was THE worst. I had to go in front of the class and introduced the invention that I did. I think, let me repeat... I THINK I did an okay job. But aye... whatever, right?

But April Fools' Day was fun, nonetheless. Again, sorry LeviPyon, Vy and Richard. But it was still fun.

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